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Still Debating a main....


Smash Cadet
Dec 1, 2014
Okinawa, Okinawa
The mechanics of the game are starting to become a little more clear but I am still having trouble finding the character that I want to live and breathe. For the most part I only have about 200ish ZSS games under my belt with maybe 120 with Sheik and 80 with Zelda aswell as a few more spread out just for matchup experience. Although I enjoy learning even a lower tier character nothing is more frustrating than losing to roll spam and dash grab spam, or in general losing to a player who has maybe played smash for all of 2 days and absolutely putting tears in my Samus's eyes. Granted these losses have more to do with my lack of understanding of the mechanics, it makes me upset enough to just say screw it and play 2000 sheik or diddy games just to refuse to give an local players a chance. So in the end I am stuck between just sticking with ZSS or playing Lucina, Zelda, Rosa, or Peach. If anyone plays these characters, insight on what their pros and cons are along with how they fair up as a better choice than my other characters would be nice. I could also use an experienced training partner who has a decent connection with the east coast to help me learn my bad habits aswell as my overall understanding of smash as it is a newer game series for me.

Thanks in Advance!


The Armored Artist
Jan 16, 2015
well I've played for years on random so when it comes to mechanics I know the jist of it. If your new to smash than playing around with every character will help you understand each of their strengths and weaknesses.
I play with Zelda a lot so Maybe i can help you there. Zelda is a decent defensive player, forcing an opponent to go for you by keeping some distance with dins fire is a good way to set up yourself. If you can manage to rack up some decent percentage go for the teleport kill. Now this is tricky to execute and may cause more deaths at first than success but they gave that up b move so much launching power you can kill at 75 %.
Lucina is a decent character to learn. She's as fast as marth, has roughly the same range, yet is easier to deal higher damage in that unlike marth her sword hits hard at every point and not just the tip.
ZSS sounds like your favorite, and I have a friend who will combo the snot outta you with her, but I play normal Samus more so i cant help you there.

Sheik now is a very tough character to master being that you gotta be on point most of the time, her speed is incredible, makes for great juggling. But she's light and is hard to get that great launch hit with.

Still my suggestion would be, play with what makes you have more fun. Its a game after all, and you're bound to lose if your only frustrated 24/7. Defeat, though bitter, is a great tool for improving. There are several threads here that discuss ways of overcoming either your frustration, or an opponents playstyle.


Smash Cadet
Feb 5, 2015
New York City
It actually is likely best to jump to random characters here or there for a day, just to see if you like them. Thats how I found my Zero Suit in Smash 4, and my Dorf In PM. Although I should tell you a bit about Sheik, Lucina, and ZSS.
Sheik is honestly probably the best combo character in the game. She can get you up to high percentages with little effort. Her biggest drawback is her kill power, or lack there of. She struggles to finish off opponents in this game if you don't know what you're doing. You can get around this by chasing them off stage and stopping their recovery, rather than trying to kill.
Lucina has good range, and can combo decently. I find she's best when she is directing the flow of the battle, deciding where on the stage the fight is happening, and controlling the match with her fast but sweeping arcs. She doesnt kill as well as marth, though. But you can kill with her with some effort.
ZSS is one of the best characters for a reason. She is crazy good at racking up damage, and moves like a dream. She even has great kill potential, my favorites being the DownB and the UpB. her only weakness is that she can get kinda hard to control, but not by much.
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