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Stepping Over SmashCAP

Terywj [태리]

Charismatic Maknae~
Aug 23, 2007
香港 & 서울
Stepping Over SmashCAP

Remember this?

Some pokemon, quite a few pokemon, feel left off, unfinished, and just plain lack fullfillment of their potential. Every Pokemon game features evolutions of previous generations, or pre-evolutions. Now, generally, in past projects, I liked to keep things limited, but here, I'd like to push our creative borders, while still retaining withing the rules of Pokemon. I don't want to evolve Pokemon with 3 chains or evolve legendaries. Other than that, anything goes. We can create moves and abilities for the new evolved forms, and create our "dream" evolution.

1. General discussion as to where the pokemon can go, either on an aesthetic level or a play style level. Both are important, and we should get a general feel for where the pokemon can go. We may disagree, but no decisions have to be made in this stage.

2. Art submissions and name. Here we try and create a general look for the pokemon. Its not entirely a competition. One who is lacking in artistic skills can draw a rough sketch and ask for a more artistic person to detail it for them. There will be a poll, yes, but its still not a competition, as we have sometimes treated the SMASHCAP threads.

3. Stats and ability. Now that we have a general direction and an aesthic direction, we can create a the stats. We are doing this AFTER the art for a simple reason, SMASHCAP is for primarily competitive reasons. This is half and half. Aesthetics are just as important as competitive play here.

4. Movepool. Here, we have the option to create new moves if we feel need be, and to finish off the final bits of the pokemon while the last bit of work is being finished up on the final step.
None of this is set in stone. With past examples many people submitted artwork while others theorymoned new moves and changes to the base stats, etc. Most notable is the artwork and all that jazz that is the center of the creativity. :3 Spriting is also a completely optional step but then again.

Lastly, but most importantly, Rexlax is amazing and you know it.

  • Completed
  • In progress
  • On hold
Generation I
  1. Raticate Evolution: Raticlaw [picture]
  2. Fearow Evolution
  3. Arbok Evolution
  4. Sandslash Evolution
  5. Vulpix Prevolution or Ninetales Evolution
  6. Parasect Evolution
  7. Venomoth Evolution
  8. Dugtrio Evolution: Dugdozer [picture]
  9. Persian Evolution
  10. Golduck Evolution
  11. Primeape Evolution
  12. Growlithe Prevolution or Arcanine Evolution
  13. Tentacruel Evolution
  14. Ponyta Prevolution
  15. Farfetch'd Prevolution
  16. Farfetch'd Evolution
  17. Duduo Prevolution or Dodrio Evolution
  18. Dewgong Evolution
  19. Muk Evolution
  20. Cloyster Evolution
  21. Onix Alternate Evolution: Cromix [picture]
  22. Hypno Evolution
  23. Kingler Evolution
  24. Electrode Evolution
  25. Exeggutor Evolution: Exeggork [picture]
  26. Marowak Evolution
  27. Lickitung Prevolution
  28. Weezing Evolution
  29. Tangela Prevolution
  30. Kangaskhan Prevolution
  31. Kangaskhan Male Counterpart
  32. Seaking Evolution
  33. Starmie Evolution
  34. Mr. Mime Evolution
  35. Scyther Prevolution
  36. Jynx Evolution
  37. Pinsir Prevolution: Pinchite [picture]
  38. Pinsir Evolution
  39. Tauros/Miltank Prevolution
  40. Gyarados Evolution
  41. Lapras Prevolution
  42. Lapras Evolution
  43. Ditto Prevolution: Copii [picture]
  44. Ditto Evolution
  45. Omastar Evolution
  46. Kabutops Evolution
  47. Aerodactyl Prevolution
  48. Aerodactyl Evolution
  49. Snorlax Evolution: Rexlax [picture]
Generation II
  1. Furret Evolution: Musket [picture]
  2. Noctowl Evolution
  3. Ledian Evolution
  4. Ariados Evolution
  5. Lanturn Evolution
  6. Xatu Evolution
  7. Sudowoodo Evolution
  8. Aipom Prevolution
  9. Sunflora Evolution
  10. Yanma Prevolution
  11. Quagsire Evolution
  12. Murkrow Prevolution
  13. Misdreavus Prevolution
  14. Wobbuffet Evolution
  15. Girafarig Prevolution
  16. Girafarig Evolution
  17. Forretress Evolution
  18. Dunsparce Prevolution
  19. Dunsparce Evolution
  20. Gligar Prevolution
  21. Granbull Evolution
  22. Qwilfish Prevolution
  23. Qwilfish Evolution
  24. Shuckle Prevolution
  25. Shuckle Evolution
  26. Heracross Prevolution
  27. Heracross Evolution
  28. Sneasel Prevolution
  29. Ursaring Evolution
  30. Magcargo Evolution
  31. Corsola Prevolution
  32. Corsola Evolution
  33. Octillery Evolution
  34. Delibird Prevolution
  35. Delibird Evolution
  36. Mantine Evolution
  37. Skarmory Prevolution: Skarmy [picture]
  38. Skarmory Evolution
  39. Houndour Prevolution or Houndoom Evolution
  40. Donphan Evolution
  41. Porygon2 Alternate Evolution: Porygon³ [picture]
  42. Stantler Prevolution
  43. Stantler Evolution
  44. Smeargle Prevolution
  45. Smeargle Evolution
Generation III
  1. Mightyena Evolution
  2. Linoone Evolution
  3. Swellow Evolution
  4. Pelipper Evolution
  5. Masquerain Evolution
  6. Breloom Evolution
  7. Makuhita Prevolution or Hariyama Evolution
  8. Nosepass Prevolution or Probopass Evolution
  9. Delcatty Evolution
  10. Sableye Prevolution
  11. Sableye Evolution
  12. Mawile Prevolution
  13. Mawile Evolution
  14. Medicham Evolution
  15. Manectric Evolution
  16. Plusle and Minun Prevolution
  17. Volbeat and Illumise Prevolution
  18. Swalot Evolution
  19. Carvanha Prevolution or Sharpedo Evolution
  20. Wailmer Prevolution
  21. Camerupt Evolution
  22. Torkoal Prevolution
  23. Torkoal Evolution
  24. Grumpig Evolution
  25. Spinda Prevolution
  26. Spinda Evolution
  27. Cacturne Evolution
  28. Altaria Evolution
  29. Zangoose Prevolution
  30. Zangoose Evolution
  31. Seviper Prevolution
  32. Seviper Evolution
  33. Lunatone and Solrock Prevolution
  34. Whiscash Evolution
  35. Crawdaunt Evolution
  36. Claydol Evolution
  37. Cradily Evolution
  38. Armaldo Evolution
  39. Milotic Evolution
  40. Castform Prevolution
  41. Castform Evolution
  42. Kecleon Prevolution
  43. Kecleon Evolution
  44. Banette Evolution
  45. Tropius Prevolution
  46. Tropius Evolution
  47. Chimecho Evolution
  48. Absol Prevolution: Abswirl [picture]
  49. Absol Evolution
  50. Relicanth Prevolution
  51. Relicanth Evolution
  52. Luvdisc Prevolution
  53. Luvdisc Evolution: _______ [picture]
Generation IV
  1. Bibarel Evolution
  2. Kricketune Evolution
  3. Rampardos Evolution
  4. Bastiodon Evolution
  5. Vespiquen Male Counterpart: Vesperor [picture]
  6. Pachirisu Prevolution
  7. Pachirisu Evolution
  8. Floatzel Evolution
  9. Cherrim Evolution
  10. Gastrodon Evolution
  11. Drifblim Evolution
  12. Lopunny Evolution
  13. Purugly Evolution
  14. Skuntank Evolution
  15. Bronzong Evolution
  16. Chatot Evolution
  17. Chatot Second Evolution
  18. Spiritomb Prevolution: _______ [picture]
  19. Spiritomb Evolution: _______ [picture]
  20. Lucario Evolution
  21. Hippowdon Evolution
  22. Drapion Evolution
  23. Toxicroak Evolution
  24. Carnivine Prevolution
  25. Carnivine Evolution
  26. Lumineon Evolution
  27. Snover Prevolution or Abomasnow Evolution
That equates to 174 new Pokemon. Can we do that?


Smash Master
Jun 17, 2009
So, this is similar to Evolution: A Step beyond CAP but with a more abstract style of creating pokemon? Alright.

I don't have artwork for these, but I was thinking, especially after Gen V's relatively disappointing starter finals, what would happen if ALL the starters got branches:

[collapse=Gen V Spoilers, only rough ideas]
Branch Starter Evolutions:
Bulbasaur > Ivysaur > Venusaur [Grass/Poison]
Bulbasaur > Ivysaur-AltForm [larger back legs, semi-bipedal] > bipedal monster with Venus Fly Trap on back [Grass/Poison]
Charmander > Charmeleon (Red) > Charizard [Fire/Flying]
Charmander > Charmeleon (Yellow-Orange) > Yellow Hadrosaur [Fire/Electric]
Squirtle > Wartortle > Blastoise [Water]
Squirtle > Wartortle (Slightly darker colors for the ears and tail) > Lionturtle with Tsunami for tail and waves for ears [Water/Psychic, based on what Wartortle looked like it was heading to]
Chikorita > Bayleef > Meganium [Grass]
Chikorita > Bayleef-alt, similar with a mossy mane and leaves on it's back > Stegosaur with leaf plates, a coconut-tail, and a moss around it's neck and the top of t's head [Grass/Ground]
Cyndaquil > Quilava > Typhlosion [Fire]
Cyndaquil > Quilava (darker coloration) > Fire Wolverine with long claws[Fire/Steel]
Totodile > Croconaw > Feraligatr [Water]
Totodile > Croconaw-Alt [more velociprator esque] > Tyrannosaur [Water/Dark]
Treeko > Grovyle > Sceptile [Grass]
Treeko > Grovyle (more drab colors) > Komodo with Grass Hair [Grass/Ground, based on the long leaf crest Grovyle got]
Torchic > Combusken > Blaziken [Fire/Fighting]
Torchic > Combusken-alt with wings instead of claws > A Phoenix [Fire/Flying]
Mudkip > Marshtomp > Swampert [Water/Ground]
Mudkip > Marshtomp (stays dark blue) > Bigger Marshtomp with large-ish claws, more spines, and powerful arms [Water/Fighting]
Turtwig > Grotle > Torterra [Grass/Ground]
Turtwig > Grotle (shell is still brown) > A turtle with a bush for a back [Grass]
Chimchar > Monferno > Infernape [Fire/Fighting]
Chimchar > A firey Baboon with flaming nostrils > Japanese Mykak [Fire/Ice]
Piplup > Prinplup > Empoleon [Water/Steel]
Piplup > Prinplup (with more white and black) > An emperor Penguin with a "natural" ice crown [Water/Ice]
Smugleaf > Grinleaf > Smirkobra [Grass/Electric, needed a dual typing, plus it looks like it has mini lightning rods on it's head already]
Smugleaf > Grinleaf (but with slightly browner coloring) > Slydon (Following Grinleaf's design, this becomes a long tailed, bipedal dinosaur with a theropod-esque design, but with the rest of the Smugleaf line's build) [Grass/Rock]
Baycon > Luchaboar > Boarbeque [Fire/Fighting]
Baycon > Pignite, a flaming boar with a ball tail> Warhog, flaming boar with a firey mane, razor-blade tusks, and a bomb for a tail [Fire/Dark]
Wotter > Lutrain > Narwalrus [Water/Rock, it needed this typing . . . badly]
Wotter > Lutrain with white fur > Anhydro (A legit Samurai Otter, like this, this, this, this, this, or this (technically not a samurai, but whatever) basically, anything other than what we actually got. >_>) [Water/Fighting]


Apr 13, 2008
Whoa. I did not see this thread. Alright UberMario, I think I want to just draw all of your ideas with slight revisions here and there if I see fit.
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