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Stamina types not working correctly


Smash Rookie
May 7, 2015
When I want to play a Stamina match, I cannot see a description for the 5 Stamina types. The description text is still that of stage selection types ("Choose stages in complete freedom"). In addition, the only type change that seems to work is the removal of blast zones. Set knockback or fixed knockback has no effect, the knockback simply stays at minimum, regardless of fighter HP. Selecting type 5 will also not toggle fixed camera.

I also cannot toggle between coin, stock, or time matches. Stamina matches are always 5 stocks.

Thing is, this doesn't always happen. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. In either case, the description text for stamina types will still not work correctly, but the rest of the features will.

The only times I've managed to have it work correctly, is from a fresh startup. Playing even one regular match will screw it up again.

I'm running Project M 3.5 on Dolphin.
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