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Stage Selection Freeze (Luigi's Mansion and Mushroomy Kingdom)


Smash Rookie
Oct 30, 2012
Bellingham, Washington
when i select these stages in brawl, the game freezes. this also happens without the cheat codes activated.

the levels are replaced with castlevania stage (luigi's mansion) and metal mario stage (mushroomy kingdom) and worked just fine before. i tried the same codes and files on my friends wii and it worked perfectly fine. i erased my save file and imported his onto my wii and the levels worked again. but then, after it froze for another reason, i reset it and the levels didnt work again. now im wondering if its a code that im using or if its something even more complicated.

my RSBE01.txt file is posted below and these are the cheats im using... (the ones with * next to them are activated)

any help would be accepted, i really have searched and tried to fix this myself. this guy here seems to be having the same problem but im not using the same codes as him:

please and thank you and sorry if this is a waste of time ^^"... if you want more information about my wii/file just ask and ill give. thank you so much for the help

edit: erased save and imported friends save again... will post results soon

edit#2: okay so after the save transfer, it seems that both levels are working fine now with the cheats i have currently. idk what the problem was but i hope it doesnt happen again.

edit#3: after further studying, i found out that i was using a gecko code that didnt seem to bode well with any save files after loading them again. the cheat was the "unlock all (except subspace emassary)" for ntsc. after turning off the code, the game worked just fine AFTER i imported the save again. i hope this helps anybody with the same issue ^^

FINAL EDIT: found out the problem! it was the hybrid air dodge code messing with my stuff. idk if this happens to everyone but thats the reason it happens to me.
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