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ssbb tourny march 8th (play before the gamestop brawl tourny)


Smash Cadet
Feb 22, 2008
more info coming soon

Gameplay/ spin fusion
10937 Venice Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90034
march 8th
sign-ups at 11:00
tourny starts at 1pm
entry: $5 ( if you pre-order the game with the store they'll pay for your entry fee)

4 stock
items off including smashball off
8 min. time limit
best 2 out of 3
finals 3 out of 5
(losers of semi finals will play for third and that'll be best 2out of 3)
BATTLEFIELD until top 32
other stages will be anounced at tourny
1st gets 70% a copy of ssbb, a bonus match with a "mysterious" player for a special prize, and a trophy (seen trophy looks very nice:chuckle:)
call the store for more info
(310) 842-7776

also, they said if they can get enough people to come spike tv might come to cover it


Smash Ace
Sep 27, 2003
Culver City, CA
Beat me to it! :laugh:

But yeah, Game Play/Spin Fusion is hosting a Brawl tournament on March 8th. They are using a decent rule set. something along the lines of:

4 stock
items off including smashball off
8 min. time limit?
a ton of stages are banned, but some of the legal stages include battle field, final destination, pokemon stadium[melee], animal crossing stage, space armada(not too sure about this one though, discuss?), yoshi's island, and any other stages that the community deems reasonable. go ahead and throw out ideas.

The entry fee is going to be $5, and I -believe- the pot will be distributed 60%, 30%, 10%, although it's completely possible that they may pull out some of the pot for the "venue." i'm going to Game Play tomorrow, so I'll update as soon as i've straightened out the rule set with the store.

one of the employees said that there would be 5-6 brawls going on at once, although i find it difficult to believe that they would have the space to do that, so that will be another issue to be resolved once i go there...

and if anyone has any suggestions for tailoring a better rule set, then by all means go ahead and throw them out there and i'll talk to the hosts about it

edit: inb4 random commentary


Smash Cadet
Feb 22, 2008
thank you darkfire i'm not the only one on this. i'm going over there when i get off of work for the flyers. i'll try to post one later on. also there a gamestop near gameplay so when one tourny's done you can go to the other


Smash Ace
Sep 27, 2003
Culver City, CA
At the moment, Game Play is expecting -a lot- of people to enter. Because of this, Game Play is making players do best of 1, single elimination rounds until the competition is broken down to 32 people. It sounds like they are going to be playing the single elimination matches on battlefield. Once the competition breaks down to the top 32, it will be double elimination, 4 stock, ect.

They have 4 japanese wiis and 4 japanese brawls, but they want to have at least 6 stations up, so if anyone could bring a wii+brawl that would be cool.

If this tournament is successful, they will most likely do more in the future. It's mainly for publicity, so I don't think they will be pulling out any cash from the pot for the venue...although they may do it in the future.

They don't have any -special- rules that I know of that are out of the norm.

OoOoOoOo trophy! That's pretty sweet.

I might go, but will they let us buy brawl from them????
Yeah, they said they will probably end up selling the English brawl when it comes in...so it will probably be available march 7th/march 8th, but A LOT of people reserved it, so I'm not sure how that's going to work out.


Smash Cadet
Feb 22, 2008
even if it's single elem i advise people to go because if there's a big enough turn out the store will hold another one that could have double elem just give the store your input so that next time can be better.

The Game II

Smash Champion
Mar 5, 2004
Northern California
even if it's single elem i advise people to go because if there's a big enough turn out the store will hold another one that could have double elem just give the store your input so that next time can be better.
When it comes to tournaments, first impressions carry a lot of weight. If you don't run a good tournament the first time or the rules aren't "normal," chances are that people aren't coming for the next one.

I can name several venues that had a bad or weird first tournament with a lot of people, then they run another and get about seven players.



Smash Cadet
Feb 22, 2008
if that's the case i'll try to make it so that the real thing begins during the 32 man part it might not be much but it's the best i can do for right now


Smash Cadet
Feb 22, 2008
sry he's says not this time but next time for sure, so please people i'm trying the best i can to run a decent tourny before final round XI and would nice to play people before a major

The Game II

Smash Champion
Mar 5, 2004
Northern California
That's too bad, but hopefully this gets seeded as best as possible. I mean, no Gimpyfish vs. Psycho ****** first round.

I'm not going to NorCal, so there's a good chance I'll be going to this.



Smash Cadet
Feb 22, 2008
you should come, i would like to play you and the store got the game in english yesterday night will be selling them all day. atleast until nintendo sends there anbu black ops
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