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SSB64 Online (I need help)


Smash Rookie
Mar 14, 2014
I'm pretty new to the forum and have explored and found helpful information about emulators and roms but I have specific questions that I need help with. I have downloaded sixtyforce (an emulator for n64) and a rom with the (U) and (!) meaning I should be able to play online and it's the US version. I need help with getting an xbox controller working on the system and also unlocking the other four characters. Also how do I set up online play? The last thing I need help with is turning off the items, for whatever reason there is no setting to do so. I'm sure there is a solution I just have no clue (this is my first time using an emulator for anything). I hope this is not too much to ask, this is my first time posting anything so bare with me please. Also I think it is important I mention I am working with a mac.


Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2013
Orlando, FL
Also I think it is important I mention I am working with a mac.
well there's your problem. In all seriousness its actually better to post this type of thing in the "Ask a question, get an answer" Thread that is sticky'd near the top of the 64 section. In order to play online you actually need to use PJ64KVE instead of sixtyforce. There's a link to that download in the Index thread which is also sticky'd near the top of this section. HOWEVER i'm not sure how playing online works when u have a mac or if its even possible. maybe someone else can help me out here


Smash Rookie
Mar 14, 2014
Thanks for the input my dude. Like I said I'm fresh on the forum so the best way to do things is trial and error. Also like I mentioned this is my first time messing with an emulator at all. Hopefully someone has some insight on if it is possible for macs to have online play.


Banned via Warnings
Aug 15, 2010
Reno, Nevada
you have to dual boot with Windows, you need Project64k .13 core 1.4. There are cheat codes(gameshark codes inside the emulator) that unlock characters and item switch and whatnot. Also for your controller, you need to configure it, but I'm not even sure how to do that on non-windows machines.


Smash Master
Apr 25, 2010
Geneva, Switzerland
Hi, welcome to smashboards :)

As far as I know (I don't own a Mac), you can't play online directly on a Mac, you need to get on Windows, either via dual boot as rjgbadger said, or through virtualization (like VMware).

Secondly, you need to have the same emulator as everyone else to play with them, so you might want to download the emulator in the Smash Index. Then in Project 64, while ingame, you can easily unlock every char+item switch if you go to "Options", "Gameshark Codes (Cheats)", then tick the corresponding boxes (note that the item switch is unlocked with the "Mushroom Kingdom" cheat, as they normally go together).

Don't hesitate to ask if you have more problems, and hopefully someone with a Mac will help you out if you still have troubles.


Smash Rookie
Mar 14, 2014
Thanks for the input! I'll have to look into "dual boot" because I don't know what that means. Thanks for the welcome sangoku. I might just end up buying a cheap laptop simply for online ssb64.


Smash Master
Apr 25, 2010
Geneva, Switzerland
Dual boot means you "split" your harddrive in two and on one part you install one OS and on the other part you install another OS (in your case it would be Mac+Windows). Then when you turn your computer on you can select which OS you want to boot on.
(Anyone can correct me on that if I'm saying nonsense)

If you needed a laptop anyway, buying one for ssb could be a good idea (especially since you don't need too much power to play it without CPU lag), but I'm unsure if buying one only for that purpose is really worth it. In that case, I think you should try making it work with virtualization first.


Smash Rookie
Mar 14, 2014
Yeah I don't currently have the money to just buy another laptop really. Iv'e been doing a little research on the duel OS and the only thing I'm worried about is it slowing down my system too much, especially because I use it for music production.


Smash Rookie
Aug 6, 2013
you can run pj64k through wineskin on a mac, i used to play ssb online on the macs at my high school occasionally lol


Smash Rookie
Mar 14, 2014
Awesome! Can you hook me up with a good place to download pj64k and wineskin? Also is there lag or anything that would disqualify it from being as good as what most other people use for online ssb64 (I'm note exactly sure the most popular emulator). If it is lagy or whatever else I might as well run both OS's.


Smash Apprentice
May 17, 2012
San Diego
I have a mac and found that I was not able to play with wine (different from wineskin?)

But I got an ISO of windows and was able to use bootcamp to install a windows partition. It works great.

As for the controller, is it wired? If it's wireless it won't be of much use for online play, that seems to be what people say, at least. I ask this because sixtyforce seems pretty smart in my experience and should recognize usb controllers. (usb charger doesn't count as wired).


Smash Lord
Oct 17, 2005
Chicago, IL
there's a low lag wireless adapter for Xbox 360 wireless controllers, make sure when you Google it that you include the word Microsoft and probably official as well. PlayStation 3 and 4 controllers can use their respective charge cables to connect to PC, as well as using certain Bluetooth adapters


Smash Rookie
Nov 30, 2014
Hey, looking to play online SSB. If anyone is willing and able to help that would be T.ITS I posted a forum thread titled "Want to play SSB64 online! Please help!" (I was going to make a working link to that but the site says I need 10 thread to post a link :4bowser:)

Basically my emulator opens and the rom shows a smooth download but as it loads to 100% it says error.
-Im thinking it could be that I'm running on 32 bit on my windows 8
-or maybe a windows 8 is not compatable?
-any other of many possible problems?

any ideas would be great. thanks! Ed


Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2014
Hey, looking to play online SSB. If anyone is willing and able to help that would be T.ITS I posted a forum thread titled "Want to play SSB64 online! Please help!" (I was going to make a working link to that but the site says I need 10 thread to post a link :4bowser:)

Basically my emulator opens and the rom shows a smooth download but as it loads to 100% it says error.
-Im thinking it could be that I'm running on 32 bit on my windows 8
-or maybe a windows 8 is not compatable?
-any other of many possible problems?

any ideas would be great. thanks! Ed
Could be any number of things. PM me, I`ll skype you through it. :D
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