Emulator isn't much better, DS, frame delay, fluctuating fps, but thats considered a great tool for the community and the competitive scene. There is a ton of good reasons we don't use emulators for official tournaments but it is a great way to practice, get familiar with the game and characters and play anyone anywhere. If the virtual console offers these same things (which is will with the addition of occasional frame skips) then it is great for opening the game up to a larger and younger community while giving people an easy and convenient way to get familiar with the mechanics, gameplay, characters, stages, etc., same way emulator does. If the frame skips are fixed (which may be improbable and not feasible but certainly not impossible) then its a great addition to the community. Even with the frame skips players that are primarily melee, brawl, pm, sm4sh players can still play 64 and become moderately competitive with the VC alone because they can still get basic combos, spacing, and techniques down. Its a stepping stone, a gateway drug, the stairway to the heaven of SSB64 console.