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Ssb4 dlc ban

Danny of AD 1

Smash Apprentice
Feb 28, 2015
I was wondering if you think theyll ever ban all 7 dlc characters due to the fact that not everyone owns them. Dlc isnt cheap in this game by the way setting you back an additional 70 dollars. I own 4 of the 7 characters personally.


Smash Master
Jan 10, 2018
I was wondering if you think theyll ever ban all 7 dlc characters due to the fact that not everyone owns them. Dlc isnt cheap in this game by the way setting you back an additional 70 dollars. I own 4 of the 7 characters personally.
That's true, but if this was a problem, DLC would've been banned a long time ago.


Smash Ace
Jan 29, 2016
Switch FC
SW 0903-5888-6097
To add on to that no other FGC has done such a thing. The only ban that has happened in that regard, is a one-to-two-week ban period if new characters were to be added when already established tournaments have been prepared in advance.

The temporary ban is there to allow players to familiarize themselves with the characters before releasing them out into the wild that iz the tournament scene.

In your case, your best bet would be to try and get in matches vs players that do have the dlc, whether that will be online or offline (I prefer offline if possible). It would be even better if you trained vs a player that specialises in a DLC character.

If you are fortunate enough to have a friend that has the DLC characters or are able to tinker around with them on a set-up before a tourney starts (or once it is over or even during the middle of it if you are waiting for your next match or are eliminated early), feel free to do so.

Finally, you can talk on character Discords to learn about the DLC cast while also requesting matches with the fellow players there as mentioned earlier. You can even watch matches on youtube of the DLC characters you want to learn about.
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Smash Journeyman
May 17, 2017
also, if you buy the characters all at once it's only about $35, and the only competitive-relevant stage is dream land, which is a $2 standalone purchase.

even from a casual standpoint, the stage bundle is $10, and i don't think anyone saw the mii fighter costumes (give or take $1.50 a pop for individual costumes) as worthwhile lol. in total that's about $45 you'd spend on getting all the content the vast majority of players would use, and you could cut it down to $37 for competitive players, which is a decent cut short of the $70 pricetag you mentioned in the op


Smash Master
Jan 10, 2018
also, if you buy the characters all at once it's only about $35, and the only competitive-relevant stage is dream land, which is a $2 standalone purchase.

even from a casual standpoint, the stage bundle is $10, and i don't think anyone saw the mii fighter costumes (give or take $1.50 a pop for individual costumes) as worthwhile lol. in total that's about $45 you'd spend on getting all the content the vast majority of players would use, and you could cut it down to $37 for competitive players, which is a decent cut short of the $70 pricetag you mentioned in the op
The only worthwhile Mii costume DLC is the Inklings, because they come with a trophy. There are some cool looking DLC costumes as well, but yeah, Mii costume purchase is pointless competitively (especially since the Miis are not good at all).


Smash Apprentice
Feb 9, 2018
Sorry you don't have all the DLC characters. I know not everyone can just whip out the credit card and swipe and get everything immediately, especially younger players. Having to pay for DLC is the cross we bare to have a game void of microtransactions or a pay-to-win model (though with Cloud and Bayo you could argue the game is pay2win).
It's sadly just the way of the gaming industry these days. You are legitimately expected to purchase major DLC's day 1 bc most everyone else will.
Since you already have some DLC characters you won't be eligible for the character bundle but that's not a huge deal. I'd strongly recommend getting all the characters if you are able and Dreamland stage. I'd also highly recommend skipping all the mii costumes.

As a small side note some game developers will actually provide DLC for free to certain tournaments. The big companies lose very little money giving away the DLC that gets showcased at a tournament and it in turn encourages the viewers who don't already have the DLC to go out and buy it.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 25, 2016
Texas, USA
Sure some of the DLC characters can be problematic, but because 1 or 2 of them are, that doesn't mean that they all should get banned. Take Roy and Lucas for example, they are not causing any problems in the meta. Sure they may be somewhat expensive, but that is why we have tournaments and jobs, to earn money. Also, it is not required to have all of them. In fact, you should go to a tournament to try them out for a test run before you buy them. Will save you a couple dollars.


Smash Rookie
Jan 11, 2018
The only DLC being a problem is Bayo and Cloud and maybe Mewtwo and Ryu.
  • Bayo) This is self explanatory. She may be the second character to get banned in Smash history (second to only Brawl Meta Knight but the ban was never fully enforced)
  • Cloud) In singles he is really busted but there is counterplay there (albeit really small but that goes for every top tier character)... he should only be banned in Doubles where he overcenturizes that meta and taking him out will make more unique team combination viable
  • Mewtwo) He has sheer strengths in his speed, recovery, range, and power but due to his size and lack of weight does give him troubles. He is only as good as the player, a bad Mewtwo is be read and die at 60% (I’ve seen a read kill him at 24% at ledge once)
  • Ryu) He is a tricky one due to him paying like a Street Fighter Character (you don’t say). He has powerful and unique combos and kill confirms but to play him well requires a lot of skill plus he does have a meh speed allowing some characters to zone/camp him (Sonic I’m looking at you)
  • Corrin) This is just their neutral move set (not really lacking in anything but having advantages) and their counter (which is just no... burn it in fire). Because of the neutral move set (like Mario) they rely on outplaying so if they cannot do that then they are done
Not even a problem)
  • Lucus) He is a great character but no where near a problem... if he gets banned then I guess Mario, Sonic, Diddy, Sheik, and Lucario should be banned
  • Roy) He is an amazing character (I put him in the upper half but that is just me). He is no where near broken and if you lose to one it is due to you Messing up, all of those early Roy kills are from reads and Roy himself is a read heavy character

Over all DLC shouldn’t get outright banned, only really Cloud and Bayo are the problem and the fact that they cost money to pay is not an issue. If you are going to take the game seriously then pay the extra money (it’s like saying Gamecube controllers should get banned because it doesn’t come with the vanilla game)
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