Smash Rookie
I'm sure many Avid melee players such as myself have pondered on the thought of a better melee, could such a thing really be possible?
I bring this up since I would love to see a new SSB game that would bring back all the in depth gaming melee had to offer. Unfortunately Brawl is on a completely different playing field compared to melee, and I find in my opinion it has very little to offer and has proven to be rather boring as a multi-player game. Those who think I just didn't put enough time into the game, incorrect, I did but i just found myself enjoying it less and less every day I played, opposite of my melee experience. Now that's my own opinion and I'm sure a lot of people have different thoughts on the matter, which is fine. I'm not posting to start a debate on which game is better.
Upon reading an interesting article by the creator that basically stated melee was just to hard. I really questioned that statement? Now sure just getting into it, it was really hard, but it got easier with more play as did any game right, if not I personally wouldn't consider that a good game especially for replay value. Also no one would have foreseen when melee first came out, all the in depth play hidden within the programming. But now that it was all figured out they went a completely different way with Brawl.
If the game was to hard couldn't the creator implement more of a learning process in the one player with the new game? I mean look at brawl several players learned a lot from the great Single Player Mode. The problem with melee was it didn't have a Single Player Mode, and was fully Multi-Player oriented which pushed away many potential smashers, since if there friends didn't get into it they really didn't have many options with the game. Brawl also implemented online, which allowed for further exploration, something melee also didn't have.
Imagine how many players would be made aware of, and strive to learn all the games techniques if in the single player mode they detailed there own version of an "Advanced How to Play Tutorial" which forced players to learn some techniques to complete certain "missions" , or if they had online play? The game which went from being just to hard(considered basically a button masher) is now a game which enters the realm of being Extremely Versatile to meet every smasher's needs.
Unfortunately I see the melee community dying off a little more every year which is bound to happen no matter what, but I would love see it revived with a new better version. I am the only one left of my friends who would play melee rather then any other video game in the world, and I find it almost impossible to find melee tournaments within reasonable driving distance. I fear soon enough I might put the glove down for this game and place it on my shelf as a trophy of the single greatest game I ever played as I move out of my gaming days. But I don't want this to happen... well at least not yet. I wanna re-live the melee days, with a new and improved melee! I hope if the creator hasn't retired this is something he considers for a new SSB4. Hope others feel the same as well!
I'm sure many Avid melee players such as myself have pondered on the thought of a better melee, could such a thing really be possible?
I bring this up since I would love to see a new SSB game that would bring back all the in depth gaming melee had to offer. Unfortunately Brawl is on a completely different playing field compared to melee, and I find in my opinion it has very little to offer and has proven to be rather boring as a multi-player game. Those who think I just didn't put enough time into the game, incorrect, I did but i just found myself enjoying it less and less every day I played, opposite of my melee experience. Now that's my own opinion and I'm sure a lot of people have different thoughts on the matter, which is fine. I'm not posting to start a debate on which game is better.
Upon reading an interesting article by the creator that basically stated melee was just to hard. I really questioned that statement? Now sure just getting into it, it was really hard, but it got easier with more play as did any game right, if not I personally wouldn't consider that a good game especially for replay value. Also no one would have foreseen when melee first came out, all the in depth play hidden within the programming. But now that it was all figured out they went a completely different way with Brawl.
If the game was to hard couldn't the creator implement more of a learning process in the one player with the new game? I mean look at brawl several players learned a lot from the great Single Player Mode. The problem with melee was it didn't have a Single Player Mode, and was fully Multi-Player oriented which pushed away many potential smashers, since if there friends didn't get into it they really didn't have many options with the game. Brawl also implemented online, which allowed for further exploration, something melee also didn't have.
Imagine how many players would be made aware of, and strive to learn all the games techniques if in the single player mode they detailed there own version of an "Advanced How to Play Tutorial" which forced players to learn some techniques to complete certain "missions" , or if they had online play? The game which went from being just to hard(considered basically a button masher) is now a game which enters the realm of being Extremely Versatile to meet every smasher's needs.
Unfortunately I see the melee community dying off a little more every year which is bound to happen no matter what, but I would love see it revived with a new better version. I am the only one left of my friends who would play melee rather then any other video game in the world, and I find it almost impossible to find melee tournaments within reasonable driving distance. I fear soon enough I might put the glove down for this game and place it on my shelf as a trophy of the single greatest game I ever played as I move out of my gaming days. But I don't want this to happen... well at least not yet. I wanna re-live the melee days, with a new and improved melee! I hope if the creator hasn't retired this is something he considers for a new SSB4. Hope others feel the same as well!