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Smash Apprentice
Apr 19, 2008
Ok so I played Chuck Nasty on GB, and for anyone who doesn't know he is the top PT on gamebattles. I beat him the first match because he started with Charizard who I had little trouble with, nor did I have trouble with Ivysaur. His squirtle however was another story. The next two matches I lost 3-4 both times because his squirtle was just too much. He kept coming in with fair then AAA combo. Any help with be greatly appreciated, also he said he played you rocann, i was wodering how you fought his squirtle?


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2005
In the jawn, with the jawn.
Squirtles game is Aerial yes and his jabs are super great. If youv'e read some boards with Olimar matchups Squirtle is a 9 on the difficulty scale on a scale of 1 to 10. I have SOME experience with PT so i will contribute what I know personally.

Squirtle usually approaches like he is dong a wall of wolf with short hopped BAair's and fastfall and repeat to get you to retreat. What I tend to do is approcah to a safe distance when doing this and either 1 of two things.
1) LLH ( Latch like Heck)

2) or a more situational approcah run even close shield the Bair and Grab. F Throw and I usually do the F Throw > USmash > U Air > Up- B. or you can try to do that without the UP B (that's one of the reasons this so so situational.

When you get to higher percents it gets harder because of his mobility and his quickness so if you see him approaching with a FAir Bair or Uair you might want to try WAC' ing itfollowed immidiately by a grab( you also have to remember no matter what you grab him with, at a high percent smack him first before you grab) and depending on what Pikmin you have grabbed him with hopefully a blue or a Purple you woth Blue Bthrow and Purple U throw or you can F Throw and get some latches in.

Hope this helped.(sorry for the great wall of text)


Smash Apprentice
Apr 19, 2008
That should help a lot thanks for the good info. Only thing is when he was coming at me after his fair or bair since the auto cancel, he was able to do the AAA quicker than I could grab. And I guess i could always try mashing A, lol
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