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Squidboards Needs Your Help


Smash Rookie
Jul 9, 2024
Hello to all. My name is ThestralZ, and I am an active member of your sister site, Squidboards, the forum for Splatoon. I wanted to reach out to you guys because recently we have been suffering from dos attacks which have 3 times now caused out site to go off lines. All three times the issue has had to be individually reported to Warchamp (the owner of both our sites) who was unaware of the issues and “fixed” it. I was wondering if anyone here was awware of that in any way or if you’ve been having similar issues. I’m also curious to know how active Warchamp is here on this forum, because he hasn’t said anything on Squidboards for basically half a year. Thank you all!


Site Owner
Oct 13, 2007
Ontario, Canada
Hi T ThestralZ . I appreciate your concern for the sites 💙

While I'm not an active poster on the boards I assure you I do keep an eye on them. I have a full time job outside of the boards so it's not 24/7 monitoring but I do my best.

Tagging me on the boards or Discord is always the quickest way to bring something to my attention (as you have!) and you've seen how quickly I respond to any problems once I'm aware.

I understand the frustration with the recent outages and I apologize for them. They were two separate issues that happened very closely together.
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