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SQL 2000 + SSL Issues


Smash Cadet
Oct 19, 2007
So, I need to make sure that a specific set of clients use encryption since it'll be over the WAN. I requested a server authentication cert from CA, installed it, and now my instance of SQL2k now supports PKI-scheme encryption. Great.

Now, my problem is this, before I go live with it, I want to verify it beyond a shadow of a doubt. How do I do so? I'm trying to use the limited version of the Network Monitor Tool that comes with Server 2003, but it doesn't really seem to be helping...at all, it's just a bunch of gibberish on the frame.

As mentioned, using win server 2003 and ms sql 2000. If you can answer this for me, I will ...well, appreciation, that's all I got. Sorry for such a n00b question, networking isn't my thing.
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