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Spero Quod Despero (My Story in Progress)


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
Link to original post: Spero Quod Despero (My Story in Progress)

Well after a long time building up a story in my head, I recently decided to make the leap and put it down on paper. I decided to post Chapter 1, and see what you all thought of it. Depending on the response, I might post Chapter 2 and also rework the narrative if I see the need. Well, I hope you enjoy it, and thanks for reading.

Spero Quod Despero: Chapter One

The mountain trail was lush and vibrant, a dense network of colours intertwining. Branches rustled and heather swayed, filling the air with a gentle fragrance of summer bloom. The sun glowed in the sapphire sky, adding a radiant richness to the colours of all things lucky enough to be graced by the exalted presence of its rays. Muffled chirping as the birds went about their daily business mixed with the faint humming of bees busily leaping from flower to flower, drinking their fill of the fresh nectar.

Grumio was most pleased by the nature of his surroundings. What should have been an arduous journey had instead become a delightful amble. His eyes wandered all around, entranced by this dream-like environment. The scent in the air had a drugging effect, lulling him into a child-like state of contentment. Perhaps it would have been better if he were instead engulfed by the murkiest and most chilly of nights, with an ominous full moon casting the deepest and darkest shadows to haunt his path. Indeed, such surroundings would have far better suited his fate. Alas, this was not the case. His blissful lack of awareness and vigilance were all too great in this earthly paradise, a cruel joke played by nature in accordance with the twisted and ironic humour of fate.

Unbeknownst to noble Grumio, his demise was of the utmost importance to a certain faction. Many attempts were made on his life, all so far unsuccessful, a testament to his extreme alertness to danger and his artistic talent for combat. On this day there was someone all too different on his trail, the one who struck with the will of death himself. An oh so unstoppable force that could crush a whole legion of the greatest soldiers as if it were child’s play. Fitting then, that such a talent was wielded by him.

The boy kept his distance, his heart remaining perfectly steady as he tracked Grumio from his reconnaissance route in the mass congregation of vegetation. The odour of damp earth kept his mind sharp, and his eyes were focused on Grumio and his immediate surroundings, judging all distances and possibilities with the predatory perfection of an eagle. Now was not the time, he thought, and silently picked a flower. A Martagon Lily, a dazzling pink that exuded a fresh aroma. A faint smile flashed on the boy’s face as he gently placed the picked flower behind his ear, all while maintaining his intense surveillance of Grumio. His senses twitched as he noticed Grumio making the slightest inclination away from the path. There was no need to debate in his mind what do, brutal efficiency and an unhindered train of thought were what made him what he was. He seemed to become one with the air itself, diffusing through the vegetation with such a swift silence that not even birds at a foot’s distance noticed his movements. He knew exactly where Grumio was going. Not even the boy knew how he could determine such things, but there was no need for him to waste time and mental resources solving this little mystery, all that mattered was that the ability existed.

The young one took a deep, soundless gulp of fresh mountain air and latched onto the tree trunk. The canopy was thick, a perfect vantage point. His ascent was silky smooth, with the elegance of a snake, weaving his way to a high branch. A thick branch a good distance up while not too high, with an excellent coverage of leaves to leave him completely obscured and giving him an excellent view of his attack zone. Grumio was approaching the zone, his footsteps were roaring, crashing waves in such a tranquil setting. The boy was satisfied to see the usual alertness that he found so admirable in Grumio was not present. It seemed the third day of stalking was yielding fruit for his efforts. The boy’s nose pricked up, the smell of olive oil and spice brushing his nose ever so gently. He slid out his blade, almost time, he thought, his heart still just as steady. Grumio had stepped over the boundary of safe territory, the jaws closing in on him, there was no escape for him now. He meandered closer to the tree, following the whistling and chirping, music to his ears. He stood about five feet from the base of the trunk, closed his eyes, and arched his head back ever so slightly.

The child’s eyes narrowed as his target had been acquired, with dazzling grace he swept down from the branch, seemingly hanging in the air for as long as he deemed necessary, rather than gravity taking its course. His right arm sliced through the air with a pinpoint trajectory, the merciless steel at the end cutting through Grumio’s neck like there was nothing there at all. The sanguine jet glistened as it painted its way through the air, Grumio slumped to the floor without even realising he had been struck. The boy rolled Grumio over and gazed at him, a handsome man with striking jet black hair and fierce, stern features. His eyes, even in death, had a piercing property that would drill through all but the toughest of men. His looks certainly matched his reputation in the boy’s opinion. His eyes drifted to Grumio’s bloodstained neck, a metallic glint to give an indication of what he was after.

“Bring back his locket, stained with his blood, to show the deed has been done.” The voice echoed in his head. He removed the locket with a certain delicacy and respect, almost as if he were removing it from the body of a close friend. He dipped it in the pool of crimson and twirled it gently. He placed it in his pocket and stared up into the sky. Such a pity he had to die on such a day, why couldn’t it be gloomy? Then again, perhaps it was a good thing he spent his final moments in bliss rather than in fear and doubt. He cleaned his blade on some heather and sheathed it, locking away another fragment of his soul. It was all he could do to fight it, the feeling that would most likely swallow him if not supressed.

“To hell with it!” he whispered to himself. “This is what you are now.” He closed his eyes and tried to make the world around him dissolve for a short period. No use, the whole atmosphere was chipping at his mind now, and he couldn’t stand it much longer. He turned and made his way through the shrubbery, silently rushing back whence he came.


stuck on a whole different plaaaanet
Jun 12, 2008
Good start! You might want to copy pasta the rest of the story in, but other then that this is really good. I can't wait to read Chapter Two if you (and you better) decide to keep sharing. I can't say much more except that this is really good and provided about 3 minutes worth of entertainment. Keep it up! :)


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
Lol thanks, you're the boss. Here it is!

Chapter Two

The magnificent tower popped into view on the horizon. The boy sensed his imminent return as more of the city of Aquaros became visible. He was going back, but not back home. There was no place for him to call home, his life from him untimely ripped three years ago. His heart sank with every step he took towards the city, his district of upbringing now in plain view. He was at the gates, the sound of children shouting and screaming during their games dominated. He could feel it surging, a sharp rush coursing through his veins. A hot tear escaped his eye and caressed his left cheek, forcing him to close his eyes and freeze. He dropped to the ground and clawed at the earth, inhaling deeply, again, again, and again. His heart thumped his chest mercilessly as he tried to lock it away, as he tried to regain his composure.

The image of his younger sister flashed in his mind. She was beaming up at him, holding a striking bouquet of flowers she had picked.

“Look Cassander! Aren’t they beautiful?” The voice rang clearly in his ears.
“Almost as beautiful as you.” The tender reply that the boy voiced aloud. A girlish giggle echoed.
“Well, I got them for you, the best brother you could ever ask for.”
“You’re too much. Thanks, they’re amazing. Just don’t tell Angela and Rufus how much more you love me. Now come on, hop on my back and I’ll take you home.”

Her cheek pressed against his, the smell of the meadows she had been picking flowers in filled his nose, a fragrance he could recall down to the last subtle hint of hyacinth. The boy’s mind returned to the land of the present, and for a moment he thought he might fall apart. Instead, he felt quite comforted, his eyes opened and the world eased its way into view. He rose to his feet, a smile lit up his face as he continued his journey, the scent of three years ago following him as he walked, a part of his soul he could never kill.

The enormous Lake Valkyn met him on the other side of the city’s boundaries, the water glittering as he walked along the shore. He felt like resting before he reached his place of residence on the other side of the lake. He could see the spires already, the grand building looming on the horizon, opening its jaws to welcome him back. They can wait, he thought. After all, Grumio wasn’t going to come back to life as a result of his little period of privacy.

His eyes sparkled as he noticed a sizeable flat stone, perfect for skipping across the water. He clutched it and braced himself, pivoting his body while perfectly angling the stone’s trajectory. A sharp flick and the stone soared through the air before stroking the water’s surface, bouncing, bouncing, bouncing, before finally giving up its defiance of natural law and sinking into the lake. The water was very still, and as he looked down his reflection was very clear, even the most minute details were visible.

A child looked back at him from the water, a sharp contrast to the face of the man he had killed. His features were strikingly delicate, as though just stroking his face would cause it to shatter to pieces. His skin was unblemished and creamy, on his head lay soft light brown hair that extended beyond the bottom of his ears. His eyes were a hypnotic hazel, the nose below them the work of a master craftsman, chiselled to unnatural perfection. He looked every bit his thirteen years of age, yet the look in his eyes suggested the world weariness of someone who had lived for a century.

“Cassander!” a voice tore through the air. The child wasn’t startled, he calmly turned his head to meet the gaze of a mischievous looking adolescent, the light of the sun dancing in his blue eyes. “Cassander, why are you wasting your time here? You were supposed to return to headquarters at once.”
“It wouldn’t kill Master Valeria if I spent five minutes to myself, Clement.”
“As long as it’s you, you get away with anything. So I trust you were successful?”
“I was. He’s dead.” Cassander’s voice faltered slightly, but it was barely noticeable.
“Congratulations, well done!”
“That’s not something that warrants congratulation.” Cassander’s eyes scorched every inch of Clement as he spoke these words, Clement’s face went pale and his eyes met the floor.
“Quite right, sorry. Come, let’s head home.”
“Home? Indeed.”


stuck on a whole different plaaaanet
Jun 12, 2008
I want need more. You should enter the next WWYP, I bet you would place well. Of course, you should keep improving--don't think that your skills are perfect yet. :) Really though, I really hope you continue this, it's a pretty intriguing story. I wish I could write like that, haha.


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
Thanks guys, and yeah I might enter WWYP, but I don't think I'm quite good enough yet. >_<
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