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Spectator Mode Questions & Answers


Smash Champion
Jan 14, 2008
New York,
Well I decided to make this because some people actually use spectator mode. Basically I'll answer some questions about spectator mode. If you have a question that needs to be answered you may post it.

Question 1 : What is Spectator Mode?
Spectator Mode is a mode in which you can watch basic brawl matches that were saved by Nintendo. You can also bet on which player you feel will win. To get to spectator mode connect to Nintendo WFC and choose with anyone > Spectator Mode.

Question 2 : How much coins do I win? How much can I bet?
You can win up to 999 coins if you get a Bonus Chance with the prize being triple the coins. For each match you can bet up to 100 coins. It also depends the percent of options you have. In a standard Free For All (4 Players) you have 4 options, Therefore you will normally win 380 coins.
In a team match you have 2 options, You will normally win 180 coins. In a 3 player match you will normally win 270 coins.

Question 3 : How do I make sure I win the bet?
You just need to use your judgment. If you know that Ness is good on Battlefield then pick Ness (This is just an example). If you know that Bowser is bad on 75m then don't pick Bowser (This is just an example.

Question 4 : How should I get in spectator matches, so that people can see me?
While I'm not 100 percent sure of this, I do believe you need to have Allow Spectators on in Nintendo WFC options. After that go to with anyone and choose either Basic Brawl or Team battle. If you're lucky Nintendo will choose your match to play in Spectator Mode.

Question 5 : What can I win in the Bonus chance?
The prizes consist or Small , Medium , Large sticker bundles along with Trophies (The kind you get in the coin launcher mini game. You can also win triple or double the coins.

Question 6 : Can I see myself in spectator mode matches?
YES! You may find yourself watching yourself. While the chances are rare IT DOES HAPPEN.

Question 7 : I don't see Spectator Mode available, where is it!?
Spectator mode is only available after 24 hours once you connect to Nintendo WFC, if you can't find it chances are you first connected and must wait those 24 hours.

Question 8 : What can I do while waiting for those 24 hours?
Play basic brawl or Team battle. Give Nintendo matches to show in Spectator mode.

Question 9 : What's with those stickers I see at the bottom?
Those stickers are now yours congratulations. You can get free stickers from watching. Isn't that nice?

Question 10 : Do matches lag in spectator mode?
While there may be a slight lag in the beginning, you'll view the match pretty much lag free. This does not mean that people weren't lagging when the match was actually happening.

Question 11 : Does everyone see the same match when in spectator at the same time?
I cannot confirm this however, it may be likely and would save Nintendo quite a bit of work instead of putting up multiple servers.

Question 12 : I want my coins back! That Kirby didn't even try!
That could have been you... But I won't get to that. There are no refunds for spectator mode. Just go earn your money back by playing or betting more.

Question 13 : Why is this guide so long?
Because you're still reading it.

Question 14 : Can you disconnect while in spectator?
Yes it's possible.

Question 15 : How do you know Yes is the answer to Question 6?
I have seen myself in spectator mode. I actually screamed when it happened.

Question 16 : How do you know it was you?
How many Ness' go to shadow moses Island jab at the walls repeatedly. Get A codec call on them and walk to the center of the stage and taunt okay, in a match with the same character I was with yesterday. Also picks up a laser gun and gets hit by meta knight in a corner. Picks off snake's box only to have him pull it off first. ..... ( Goes on to describe the whole match). How many Ness'

Question 17 : A lot of Ness' do that Ref!
........... No comment ...........

Question 18 : I keep losing! I can't win.
Gamblers don't win all of the time but they keep trying, even after they win. Again use your best judgment.

I will try to answer more questions if they come up.

If you don't feel like reading Question 2 read this.

4 choices = 380 coins
4 choices + triple coins = 999 coins
4 choices + double coins = 760 coins

3 choices = 280 coins
3 choices + triple coins = 840coins
3 choices + double coins =560 coins

2 choices = 180 coins
2 choices + triple coins = 540 coins
2 choices + double coins = 360 coins

2 choices includes team battles.

Question 19 : I see something wrong with you guide!
Then post, I'll check it again.

Question 20: Question 12, 17, and 18 aren't questions (just thought I'd point it out) By mystic wolf.
I know right? But they do add to the effectiveness of this Q&A.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2008
Columbus, OH
Better question:

Why do I need coins? I have 9999 already!

So how exactly does it work? Are you streaming a replay that was uploaded to Nintendo during a previous match? Or do you download the whole thing before it plays?


Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008
Wait, 3-player and 2-player matches show up in spectator mode? I've only ever seen 4-player free-for-alls and 2v2s.


Smash Champion
Jan 14, 2008
New York,
Better question:

Why do I need coins? I have 9999 already!

So how exactly does it work? Are you streaming a replay that was uploaded to Nintendo during a previous match? Or do you download the whole thing before it plays?
You go to this for fun.

It works by you getting the match's data (What each character did at so and so time) Then the Wii plays it to you as long as you are connected to the server.

I'm basing this off of this posted on the smashbros dojo : "This mode is a service where Nintendo uses Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection to send the data for games played between other people to every Smash household."

Since the data has to be sent to you, you are definably not watching a video.

Matches can be very old considering they are taken from around the world. When I saw my match it was about 1 day old.

Wait, 3-player and 2-player matches show up in spectator mode? I've only ever seen 4-player free-for-alls and 2v2s.
Yes just go to spectator more often, you'll find some eventually.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 17, 2008
Question 6 : Can I see myself in spectator mode matches?
YES! You may find yourself watching yourself. While the chances are rare IT DOES HAPPEN.
it would be interesting to know approximately what the chances are but i don't suppose thats possible
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