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South FL NSU Smash Tournament March 1st!!


Smash Journeyman
Oct 4, 2005
Epsom, Surrey, UK
Place: 2nd Floor University Center)
Time: 1-7 pm (12-1 set-up, 1-2pm warm up, 3 for singles; Free play afterward till 7 if time left, then clean up.
Date: March 1, 2008 (a Saturday)
Ages: 13 and up. If staying after 5pm without parent or guardian and of age 13-17, then you need the consent form. Here is the link to download, print and bring to the tournament.

http://www.nova.edu/avacs/documents/RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND INDEMNIFICATION.doc

Remember, this is only needed if you are under 18 and don't have any guardian over 18 to look over you during the tournament.

If you want to help out to publicize the event at you local Lan Centers, Universities, gamestops, high schools, etc, then the flyers can be found here:


and then scroll down to find the link to the flyer.

exact location

http://www.nova.edu/avacs/Photos/Fundraiser Smash Flyer.JPG

Directions and Parking


3301 College Ave
Davie, FL 33314-7721 (for free parking and its closer)

If you find or know how to get to the Library it is 1 dollar per hour

You get there by turning on 30th AVE if on University Drive

or by turning at Abe Fishchler AVE (30 st., which is a continuation from 30th AVE at University drive) at College AVE.

Other helpful things:

It is nearby BCC Central Campus and Nova High School

Here are the URL to getting to the university in general


Here is the campus map

The building with the number 23 is the University Center in the map, the mailman Hollywood building is number 4 on the map and the Rosenthal is number 6 on the map. All are located in the lower half of the map and the free parking is at the East Main Entrance.


This is a much more simpler version of the map shown below.

The protrusion at abe fischler blvd (30 st), at the top portion of the map, that goes into the campus but looks like it went into nowhere is where the library is at. And the East Main Entrance that leads to the Free parking is on this map also.


Here is how it looks like: (This is the back of the Library if your parking there)

This is the front of the University Center (the big long building is where the tournament is located. This is the mailman building entrance where the free parking is at.)


__________________________________________________ __________

Admission Fee: 10 dollars
Prizes: Singles only
$150 Best Buy Gift Card for 1st place
$75 Best Buy Gift Card for 2nd place
$35 Best Buy Gift Card for third

Whatever Red Bull provides will be distributed accordingly

Free Food Provided! He's looking into ordering pizza for the event

Snack Store 1st Floor of University Center
Snack Area at the New Flight Deck in the University Center
Subway, Mama Leone's (Italian Restuarant), Jing Jong (chinese restuarant), Culinary Table, StarBucks and Coyote Jack's Grill in University Center

Singles Rules

Tournament Rules

•Double Elimination (Placings Decided randomly by picking the labeled ball out of a bag)
•All matches 2/3, with loser’s, winner’s, and grand finals 3/5.
•4 stock, 8 minute limit
•Ties broken by a match on the same stage, same characters with one stock.
•Items OFF
•Dave's Stupid Rule (DSR): No stage may be used twice in a single match, either by random select or by picking
•Stage Knockout: Each person knocks out one stage for entire set. This stage must be selected at the beginning of the match, after initial characters have been chosen.
•Advanced Slob Picks - Loser may choose the next stage or elect to go random, then winner may choose to change characters, then loser may change characters
•Double Blind pick may be called at any time

•1v1 Neutral stages: Final Destination, Yoshi's Story, Kirby 64, Pokemon Stadium

•1v1 Stages banned: Hyrule Temple, Fourside, Flatzone, Brinstar Depths, Icicle Mountain, Yoshi's Island 64, Big Blue, Green Greens, Mushroom Kingdom 1-2, Termina bay (Great bay), Jungle Japes, Yoshi’s Island, Onett, and Venom

1v1 Counterpicks: Fountain of Dreams, PokeFloats, Rainbow Cruise, Kongo Jungle 64, Corneria, Kongo Jungle, Mute City, BattleField, Brinstar

-- Controller mods of ANY kind (short-hop mod, L-trigger mod, etc), except for cosmetic changes (paint job, different colored plastic), are banned. If you are caught using a banned controller you will be disqualified from the tournament.

-- Turbo or programmed buttons of any kind are banned. You may use third party controllers or pads that have these features, but if you are suspected of using the banned features you will not be allowed to use that controller any longer.

--Glitches used to stop your opponent from controlling their character or indefinitely freezing them (Mewtwo's Soul Stunner, the Ice Climber freeze glitch), or any glitch or trick that freezes the match or makes it in any way unfinishable are banned. Using them will result in the immediate forfeit of the match.

-- Tactics such as Peach's Wallbombing and Jiggly's Rising Pound are allowed as methods of recovery or to maneuver around the stage. Using them (or any similar tactics) to excessively stall a match, such as dropping below levels intentionally and stalling underneath, is banned.

--You are responsible to BRING YOUR OWN CONTROLLER.

I'm still getting everything worked out to see how many I could get, but this is how many tvs. I could get if all goes to plan. Any help in bringing extra tvs will be helpful.


1. Linguini
2. Izzy
3. Gangsta
4. Honors
5. Johnny (NSU)
6. Linett (NSU)
7. Mcscruff
8. Azianraven
9. Lambchops
10. Ares
11. Lord Kenshin
12. Ryusiodo
13 Setsuma
14. Classic Zero
15. Alex (Skellitorman)
17. Syk0
18. Reggie Rob
19. Advent
20. Gringo66
21. Slim de La Crim
22. Superman
23. Mike (NSU)


1. KDRioVersion 1
2. Synikal
3. Spider Sense
4. Classic Zero's friends
5. McFinn
6. Advent's friends
7. Hiroshi
8. Animal Contol
9. W. Jr
10. FIU people
11. ColBol
12. Pelican
13. Pookiez
14. Superman's Friend
15. Doodah?
16. Cameron?
17. LW_48


1. Library
2. Library
3. Izzy24 (maybe)
4. SUB
5. SUB
6. SUB
7. HPD
8. Spider Sense (maybe)


2. Izzy
3. Classic Zero
4. AzianRaven
5. SpiderSense
6. KD Rio Version 1 (maybe)
7. McFinn (maybe)

I was asked by the AVACS president to do another tournament, so this may be my final tournament. This will most likely be at the end of this month or beginning of next month. Just want some input to see if anyone is interested.

It will be 1v1 only and most likely I won't enter to ensure the tournament to run smoothly without errors.

The entrance fee will be 10 dollars

Prizes will be around 100 dollars first, 150 if I'm capable of getting 50 people to getting to the tournament.

around 50-70 (maybe 100, but no guarantee) dollars for second place depending on amount of people coming. (This is a possible estimate, the president didn't told me what 2nd place prize will be.)

3rd place will get whatever Red Bull will sponsor us. (gift cards, red bull, etc.)

Don't take my word for prizes as 100% yet, since the president is debating on the prizes.

Again, if I decide to do this tournament, it will run smoothly, cause I'll have staff helping out, I'll be taking 100% control of tournament, and I want this tournament to be successful. All I need is your support.

Update 2/4/08!

He's willing to do it. He's planning it on March 1st. Plus there will be free food provided.

Just so you know that we're on the same page, the entry fee goes to the food and whatever is left over goes to AVACS. I know he want this as a fundraiser event, but I will make the payout as fair as possible, and make the event as successful as possible.

So, my question to you is do you think the prizes are reasonable?


Update!! 2/7

I spoke with the AVACS president. He's making the prizes as followed

150 first place, 75 for second place, and 35 gift card third place, this is what he promise whether Red Bull sponsors us or not.

I'm having the flyer approved so that it could be distributed, so hopefully this week or early next week I'll put it up.

I spoke with the library, they'll be providing 2 tvs.

I'll be checking on the SUB for the other 3 tvs, and check the HPD to see how many I could get from them.


Update! 2/15

I spoke with Red Bull, they be giving a case of Red Bull to the event to be used in whatever form, and will have people bring red bull to the event.

I made brackets with numbers so that the numbers will designate where the loser will go. This will aid the tournament to run more smoothly, and I spent time making sure that the chances of facing someone again would be very slim unless you are at the semifinals where the chances depends on the winners from the previous round.

I'll be speaking with SUB today to see if they'll be able to provide tvs and I'll be speaking with the AVACS president and the secretary to see if they have done their part of the job on getting the event venue and checking the flyer with the NSU lawyer. Since AVACS, is having a meeting today, I'll be asking who will be there at the event.

I wanted them handle the responsibilities so that they would know the process of doing the tournament (which is rather simple), but If they haven't done it, then I may decide to take matter into my own hands.

I just want everyone to be clear on this

I'm going to ask SUB to seal the event so that we would have one entrance where we will have someone taking the consent form, checking ID, and collecting money to enter the area and writing their names down to enter the tournament. I know it may be a hassle, but I'm trying to make it as organized as possible.

Update 2/15

I spoke with SUB, they'll be able to close the venue, so that it will have one entrance and they'll provide their three tvs. The venue is confirmed at the 2nd floor at the UC.

5 people will be helping out at the tournament.

Johnny (president)
Linett (VP)
Juan (treasurer)
Katherine (treasurer)

If you guys are willing to help set-up, you'll have to be there at 11am. It'll be getting the tvs. from the locations needed to the UC.

All that is missing is the approval of the flyer from Katie Blanco.


Update 2/18!!!

Alright the president spoke with the NSU lawyer, the flyer is approved with some minor changes.

The prize amount is the same, but gift cards to Best Buy, and she said that if the flyer has an entry it must say that it will cover food, drinks, and snacks.

I'll make those changes tonight after hw and have it posted on the AVACS website and here at smashboards early tomorrow morning for those who would like to help distribute to lan centers, local Gamestops and Gamestop at malls, Univerisity, and High Schools. So try your best to help out, the more we distribute, the bigger the word, the larger number of participants to have the biggest tournament possible.

So Hype this up and spread the word!

I 'll be e-mailing the hpd to get the last three tvs for the tournament. Again, if you can help out to bring tvs, gcs, and distributing flyers, that will be greatly appreciated!

Last but not least, Red Bull will not sponsor prizes, but will bring a case of Red Bull and bring their Red Bull team like last time to distribute extra drinks in addition to the case.


Update!! 2/19

Flyers up!! Go to http://www.nova.edu/avacs and click the link "flyer" to print out the flyer. If there is any problems, let me know!

Update 2/22

To everyone,

HPD approve of the tvs, they didn't the said amount (just same as last time) but I'll find out later on. I'm still waiting on Red Bulls response to provide the free drinks.

Flyers on every building except 3 three at the University. I'll find out about Gamestop and Outlan gamecenter to see if they'll allow flyers.

Update! 2/24!

Hi everyone, just letting you all know that the flyers have been distributed throughout NSU, the nearby Gamebreakers lan center, and War and Pieces. I gave out flyers to Outlan game center and to a High School who will give me a call on whether they'll put it up or not.

48, 56, and 64 are checked, edited, and completed so that the earliest they'll be facing someone again would be at the quarterfinals or 11th place. So all brackets are done. All I'm going to do is make and re-write on a new sheet to not have any scratch marks.

Don't forget that gamecubes are still needed. We have 7 guaranteed tvs and only 5 guaranteed gamecubes. So if you can bring it, it will be greatly appreciated!

I will try to work things out with C. FL, but so far there hasn't been replies other than ColBol, Hiroshi, and Laijin aside from yours, and it is uncertain if they'll be coming . I do understand that the set prize is a hindrance to them, but by having more reply expressing this concern stating that they'll come if the prize is higher like you did, I would have handled the problem much earlier. However, it is not too late if they speak up now.


These will be the people running the tournament (and if there are more I will notify the board):

Kirsten (Host)
Katherine (Co-Host & Food Distributer)
Ryan (Food Distributor)
Linett (Registration & Distributor)
Juan (Registration)
Michael's Brother

Unfortunately, I'll be attending a Pre-Medical Conference that day, but I have confidence that they'll do a good job. I already told them what needs to be done, and what to do if there is something wrong. They do their best to give the best experience possible, and please respect them. I'll be giving them an overview again and the necessary paperwork needed the day before the tournament. If I'm there, it'll be around 6:45-7pm when the event is about to finish. Hopefully when I get there I'll be hearing good comments.

Remember to bring the following

Have Consent form if under 18 and have no guardian over 18 with you

ID if over 18

10 dollars to enter area

All the pieces are set, and everything is in order, so there shouldn't be any problems. All that is needed are the final touches. Remember, if you can bring a gamecube + smash + memory card, and/or tv, that will be greatly appreciated. Hope you all have fun!


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2006
Weston, Florida
Ill help out with anything David, just let me know if you need help.
I could make a proper HUGE thread to hype it up and make it orly big if ya want?


Smash Journeyman
Oct 4, 2005
Epsom, Surrey, UK
Update 2/4/08!

He's willing to do it. He's planning it on March 1st. Plus there will be free food provided.

Just so you know that we're on the same page, the entry fee goes to the food and whatever is left over goes to AVACS. I know he want this as a fundraiser event, but I will make the payout as fair as possible, and make the event as successful as possible.

So, my question to you is do you think the prizes are reasonable?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2007
Gainesville, FL

the last tourney at nova was awesome

is there a possibility of having doubles?

Edit: sorry didnt see the 1v1 only


Smash Journeyman
Oct 4, 2005
Epsom, Surrey, UK
yea that would help. I'll be preparing a flyer similar to the previous so that we could spread the word to other threads, universities, gaming centers, etc.

edit: Minor clarification: the president is using his own money to provide you the free food.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 4, 2005
Epsom, Surrey, UK
Update!! 2/7

I spoke with the AVACS president. He's making the prizes as followed

150 first place, 75 for second place, and 35 gift card third place, this is what he promise whether Red Bull sponsors us or not.

I'm having the flyer approved so that it could be distributed, so hopefully this week or early next week I'll put it up.

I spoke with the library, they'll be providing 2 tvs.

I'll be checking on the SUB for the other 3 tvs, and check the HPD to see how many I could get from them.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 4, 2005
Epsom, Surrey, UK
Bump Update! 2/15

I spoke with Red Bull, they be giving a case of Red Bull to the event to be used in whatever form, and will have people bring red bull to the event.

I made brackets with numbers so that the numbers will designate where the loser will go. This will aid the tournament to run more smoothly, and I spent time making sure that the chances of facing someone again would be very slim unless you are at the semifinals where the chances depends on the winners from the previous round.

I'll be speaking with SUB today to see if they'll be able to provide tvs and I'll be speaking with the AVACS president and the secretary to see if they have done their part of the job on getting the event venue and checking the flyer with the NSU lawyer. Since AVACS, is having a meeting today, I'll be asking who will be there at the event.

I wanted them handle the responsibilities so that they would know the process of doing the tournament (which is rather simple), but If they haven't done it, then I may decide to take matter into my own hands.

I just want everyone to be clear on this

I'm going to ask SUB to seal the event so that we would have one entrance where we will have someone taking the consent form, checking ID, and collecting money to enter the area and writing their names down to enter the tournament. I know it may be a hassle, but I'm trying to make it as organized as possible.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 4, 2005
Epsom, Surrey, UK
bump for update and attendance purposes

Update 2/18!!!

Alright the president spoke with the NSU lawyer, the flyer is approved with some minor changes.

The prize amount is the same, but gift cards to Best Buy, and she said that if the flyer has an entry it must say that it will cover food, drinks, and snacks.

I'll make those changes tonight after hw and have it posted on the AVACS website and here at smashboards early tomorrow morning for those who would like to help distribute to lan centers, local Gamestops and Gamestop at malls, Univerisity, and High Schools. So try your best to help out, the more we distribute, the bigger the word, the larger number of participants to have the biggest tournament possible.

So Hype this up and spread the word!

I 'll be e-mailing the hpd to get the last three tvs for the tournament. Again, if you can help out to bring tvs, gcs, and distributing flyers, that will be greatly appreciated!

Last but not least, Red Bull will not sponsor prizes, but will bring a case of Red Bull and bring their Red Bull team like last time to distribute extra drinks in addition to the case.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 4, 2005
Epsom, Surrey, UK
Lambchops: I know. I'll look into it, but that's where it stands at this moment. I think the reasoning behind this decision is more because they want to see proof of transaction. So if anything, maybe I could suggest paypal or something similar to that extent.

Doodah: By your sarcasm, I take it that you're interested in coming. The brackets I had was open to interpretation, but this time, I already have the brackets that contains numbers to designate where the loser will go. If you read the update, it states that there shouldn't be any chances or (extremely slim if any) of facing the same person again until the semifinals. Unless there is more than 64 people, there shouldn't be a problem. If you want to look over the brackets yourself, respond or pm me and I'll e-mial it to you.

Update!! 2/19

Flyers up!! Go to http://www.nova.edu/avacs and click the link "flyer" to print out the flyer. If there is any problems, let me know!


Smash Master
Jun 1, 2006
eff el oh are eye dee aye
It doesn't matter if there's 256 people in the bracket.

You should never play the same person twice until the last like 4 matches of the bracket.

A double elim bracket is designed so you don't play the person who put you in the losers bracket til you've gone thru everyone else.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 4, 2005
Epsom, Surrey, UK
It doesn't matter if there's 256 people in the bracket.

You should never play the same person twice until the last like 4 matches of the bracket.

A double elim bracket is designed so you don't play the person who put you in the losers bracket til you've gone thru everyone else.
Sorry for the delay, just got out of class. If it makes you confortable, I'll look over it again to make sure it is perfect. Like I said, I did spent hours making sure that it will prevent anyone from facing until the quarter finals at the earliest, but again I'll check again. I'll try to give you an answer by wednesday night at the earliest or thursday night at the latest. If you want to talk about it over the phone, or come over to the University to speak with me, then let me know.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 4, 2005
Epsom, Surrey, UK
Doodah: Just checked the 16, 24, 32, and 40 bracket. Found 2 errors, 1 minor, 1 major.

The earliest chance for them to face again:

16: fighting at 5th place (to get to 4th)
24: fighting at 8th place (to get to 6th, then 5,5)
32: fighting at 11th place (to get to 7,7)
40: fighting at 11th place (to get to 7,7)

Will be checking the 48, 56, and 64 later on after class.

I've checked the losers of 24 and 40, (most likely 48, and 56), has some unequalness where there is a chance for a bye and I previously made correction for those in easier brackets in winners to go to the harder bracket. Moreover, in loser's the harder bracket has 7 rounds, and the easier bracket has 5 rounds in the 24 man bracket, while the 40 has a 7, 5, 5, round bracket. So, I also put a "higher tier player" from the harder side of the bracket in winners (the one when through most rounds) onto the 5 round bracket to keep it even. Furthermore I saw that it could be further solved by reorganizing the loser bracket to move on of the lower tier players in the 7 round bracket to make the 5 round bracket into a more even 7 to 6 on 24 while a 6, 6, 5 on 40. I'll further look into how fair it will be by reorganizing it in that way and decide whether that is the best way.

Thanks Doodah, constuctive criticism = room for improvement. So hopefully this will be a good experience for everyone.


Update 2/22

To everyone,

HPD approve of the tvs, they didn't the said amount (just same as last time) but I'll find out later on. I'm still waiting on Red Bulls response to provide the free drinks.

Flyers on every building except 3 three at the University. I'll find out about Gamestop and Outlan gamecenter to see if they'll allow flyers.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 4, 2005
Epsom, Surrey, UK
Update! 2/24!

Hi everyone, just letting you all know that the flyers have been distributed throughout NSU, the nearby Gamebreakers lan center, and War and Pieces. I gave out flyers to Outlan game center and to a High School who will give me a call on whether they'll put it up or not.

48, 56, and 64 are checked, edited, and completed so that the earliest they'll be facing someone again would be at the quarterfinals or 11th place. So all brackets are done. All I'm going to do is make and re-write on a new sheet to not have any scratch marks.

Don't forget that gamecubes are still needed. We have 7 guaranteed tvs and only 5 guaranteed gamecubes. So if you can bring it, it will be greatly appreciated!


Smash Journeyman
Oct 4, 2005
Epsom, Surrey, UK

These will be the people running the tournament (and if there are more I will notify the board):

Johnny (Host)
Kirsten (Co-Host)
Katherine (Food Distributer)
Ryan (Food Distributor)
Linett (Registration)
Juan (Registration)

Unfortunately, I'll be attending a Pre-Medical Conference that day, but I have confidence that they'll do a good job. I already told them what needs to be done, and what to do if there is something wrong. They do their best to give the best experience possible, and please respect them. I'll be giving them an overview again and the necessary paperwork needed the day before the tournament. If I'm there, it'll be around 6:45-7pm when the event is about to finish. Hopefully when I get there I'll be hearing good comments.

Remember to bring the following

Have Consent form if under 18 and have no guardian over 18 with you

ID if over 18

10 dollars to enter area

All the pieces are set, and everything is in order, so there shouldn't be any problems. All that is needed are the final touches. Remember, if you can bring a gamecube + smash + memory card, and/or tv, that will be greatly appreciated. Hope you all have fun!

classic zero

Smash Cadet
Mar 6, 2007
South Fl
eh.... bad news one of my friends is gonna be a no show and hes out of town wit my frickng cube
but i'll see if i can pull out of my hat


Smash Journeyman
Oct 4, 2005
Epsom, Surrey, UK
That sucks. Well, if you can help out if anything, let me know. And can you tell me how many people you are bringing?

To Everyone:

Unfortunately, Johnny can't host, so the people's positions changed a bit. Also, I spoke with a few members and what some will be wearing that day.

Kirsten (Host) (Dark Shirt)
Katherine (Co-Host) (Black Shirt)
Linett (Registration +Food Distributer) (White Shirt)
Juan (Registration) (White shirt)
Michael's brother

I'll be posting their number soon so that you could call if you need any questions asked. If you have any questions, comments, and concerns, don't hesitate to ask.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 4, 2005
Epsom, Surrey, UK
Have Consent form if under 18 and have no guardian over 18 with you

ID if over 18

10 dollars to enter area

To Everyone:

If you get lost, need directions, or coming late, then call at:

954 328-9194

If the person is not present when called, then the match will be postponed and the other matches will continue. If all the matches in the first row were completed and the person hasn’t shown, then the person not present will go to the corresponding letter on the loser’s bracket and the person present will advance in the winner’s bracket.

The “bye” can be used if people come in late and the round hasn’t be reached yet by picking the remaining number. Otherwise, anyone late will go to the loser’s bracket by picking the remaining numbers in the bag if the round in the winners brackiet has passed.
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