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Soren (FE) for brawl


Smash Journeyman
Mar 9, 2007
A dark corner in my basement
i was looking at the list of FE characters on the index thread, i didnt see soren. Now please note this is NOT a what his chances are thread. i know the name of the thread is misleading, (dunno how to change it though) but this thread is intended to be about what he would be like if he was in brawl. the maker of this thread understands his chances are very unlikely to nothing, and so does not wish to discuss that when its now all out in plain sight. Frank Fly, who has basically co-authored this post, states reasons why he thinks soren should be in. im fine with discussing reasons to include not include, but dont list the same thing 8 million times. i would much rather read logical reasons and of course, movesets :D

Special thanks to FrankFly for pictures and the description below

Description (thank you frankfly)

he is in path of radiance Description:
A master tactician, Soren is wise beyond his years, but his dour personality and stanch pragmatism prevent him from knowing the value of compassion.

Soren is argueably the most powerful Sage in the game. He specializes on wind magic, and is seconday main character along with (Mist and Titania).

†Spoiler Warning-

In Path of Radiance, Greil, Ike's ( the main character) father, found Soren sort of adopted Soren, in a neighbor southern Beast Laguz ( animal shifters) Nation, Gallia. He then became part of his mercenary company and, eventually, staff officer of the army led by Ike against the nation that invaded their country and responsible for the demise of Commander Greil, father of Ike.

While researching Begnion's library he discovered that the birth mark that lies in his [third eye/ Forehead] described him as a [hybrid/branded] of the two main specie populace of Tellius (the saved country) created by the goddess: the Beorc [ the ones of the wisdom;Human] and the Laguz [ the ones of the power; the ones who can transform into an animal alternative; different species]. Such Taboo concerned his precedent miserable life.

Soren was initially raised by a woman. She oftenly cursed her life and was severe with the child. Until a day that a old powerful Sage asked the woman to raise the kid. The woman was apparently rather excited about the proposition.

The Sage taught Soren arcane matters, acknowledging his own close death. He was also draconian to the kid. The death of the old sage eventually came leaving Soren stranded. Soren had no other option than to leave the house in seek for succour. Eventually, Soren was formed upon a terrible conclusion..... he could not speak. We could write and read perfectly, but not speak. Both the woman and the Sage treated him draconianly, but he never said a word. He was swallowed in despair until he was saved by Greil.

Everything made sense... the sage adopted Soren convinced that the sign of his was that of a "spirit charmer" (Person responsible for a pact with a spirit in which the host's magic essence is invigorated drastically in exchange for a price), but, instead, he recieved a stupid (as expressed by Soren) branded...

so heres my own little summary of what i think he would be like in brawl

Soren is a mage of Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance. Soren specializes in wind magic, but i used all types in m y moveset for variety. he is one of the characters ike starts out with, making him moderately important. of course his chance of inclusion is almost nothing but what here what i would have for a moveset idea

Soren, as a mage (and later a sage, if upgraded)
would attack primarily using magic, with a knife/dagger for melee combat and a few staff skills.

A - quick knife slash
AA two knife slashes
AAA two knife slashes followed by a quick melee range blast of wind magic

Tilt atks

Ftilt - hits them with a staff in a large sweeping motion
Dtilt - Trips opponenets in front of him using his staff
Utilt - slashes at the air above him with his knife

Smash attacks

Fsmash - 2 parts like links in SSBM - stabs forward with his knife for low damage (just to leave em vulnerable), then blasts them with with magic

Dsmash - hurls a fireball to the ground on both sides of him

upsmash - blast the air directly above him with lightning (similar to zeldas upAir i think it is)

Special (B) moves -

B - Tornado - charges for higher damage. hands glow green, brighter at higher charge lvls. when released (by pressing again) the area directly in front of him (about as far ahead of him as falco and fox's B> would go) creates a tornado (larger size if charged up) which has a comepletely random directional knockback with damage based on the charge.

B> - Bolganone - Fires a large, slow moving fireball forwards at a slight angle towards the ground. the fireballs causes medium damage, but explodes where it hits the ground, for higher damage) fast startup but medium lag time after the attack fires

Bv - Physic - heals all players nearby for as long as it is held. the radius and rate of healing increase as it is held, starting quite small. you can tell the distance of healing by a light flooding down and covering the area. is interrupted by any damage, and gives a dark glow to soren when it is interrupted by damage. this glow shows that he cannot use the healing again until it dissipates. The black glow resides for about 2-3 times as long as however long he channeled the healing spell, but always lasts atleast 10 seconds.

B^ - Rexbolt - causes soren to levitate in whatever direction your are pressing while radiating lightning bolts (short range, works as a recovery move)

Super smash attack - Elemental Devastation

Causes the stage to be pelted by the meteors, lightning bolts, etc.
heavy damage ( im assuming SS atks will do heavy damage)

Nair - swings his staff around him with one hand, then his dagger with the other (rahter like link's Fair)

Fair - electrifies the air directly in front of him, causes zero knockback, but makes the opponent recoil over a second or so

Dair - Swings his staff below him with 2 hands. is a spike.

Uair - Incinerates the air above him

Back-Air (Bair) - fires a blast of wind behind him


Grab-punch - electricity runs down his arm, shocking the opponent

Up throw - throws them upward, then strikes them with lightning

Down throw - throws the down with a forward trajectory, then throws a fireball after them

Back throw - Tosses them backward, then blows them away with a blast of wind

Forward throw - Throws them forward, then hits them with a tornado like effect horizontally and up. (if you know the mage spell cone of cold from world of warcraft, imagine it being like that)

General ratings

Weight - not very heavy wearing only a robe and not ccarrying anything heavy

general power rating - His magical attacks almost always to always do more than his weapon attacks. when using a staff he hits for lower damage with a higher knockback, with dagger attacks he hits for higher damage but lower knockback (blunt vs sharp)

run/dash speed - medium/slow

jump height medium, he is light and can have magically augmented jumping ability to justify anything better than a 'low' rating

fall speed - average

size - compareable to that of marth or roy,

Attitude - 10/10 amazing because he is so bluntspoken. lol

not gonna get any candy coating on the true facts from that character.

Moveset #2, courtesy of Frank Fly

B: Concentrate of Pressure- Soren is surrounded by a small whirlwind that throws those who come in contact with him upward, slightly damaging them. It grows as it charges. This move charges potency for the Forwards and downward special B moves. Instead of having the character flash to demonstrate its charging limit, a wind effect will around it. ·
↑+B: Spinning Updraft- Soren is engulfed in a whirlwind and is lifted in the direction of you choosing (like a combination of Falco’s Fire Bird and Zelda’s Farore's Wind), damaging those who come in contact with the wind. ·
→+B: Elwind- Soren forcefully directs a missile of air. The longer B is charged, the faster and more powerful it becomes (similar to Samus’ Charge Shot but weaker and faster). ·
↓+B: Gale- Soren pauses briefly and then summons a gale (lasts 1-3 seconds) that pushes opponents backwards and damages them. The attack can be directed in any direction if the control stick is pressed while Soren briefly pauses (great for finishing off people near the edge). ·
Brawl attack: Tornado- Tornado wind animation from Path of Radiance. Engages a single player when within limit (Far throw if damage is below 75%, instant KO if it’s equal to or above). Alternate: Creates a tornado that holds position from where it is created ( 40% when hits a random character). ·
Melee Combo: First attack: stabs stilleto. Second attack: Soren performs a 360° back turn and vertically slashes down the enemy with Stilleto. Third attack (repeatable depending of the speed you tap A): With the other hand summons wind that slashes the enemy vertically down making him hold into the ground. ·
Run Forward: Soren unsheathes Stilleto and slashes enemy horizontally along with a gust of wind that follows forwards a ground path when you press A twice. ( similar to Marth's movement )
Tilt Forward: Soren vehemently lifts hands up along with a wind slash. Pushes opponent forward. ( animation like Marth )
Tilt Up: Soren swifts his hand above him along with a slash of wind. Pushes opponent upward. ( animation like Marth)
Tilt Down: Soren swifts his hand down while kneeling. Pushes foe down ( which makes opponent bounce when hits the ground; Spike). ( Animation like Zelda's )
Air Neutral: Soren uses wind to slash twice. ( Marth's animation )
Air Forward: Soren charges and hits with Stilleto, little damage but fast recovering speed for a consecutive alternate attack. ( Mario's animation )
Air Up: Soren slashes with wind upwards. ( Marth's animation )
Air Down: Soren slashes with wind down; Spike. ( Marth's animation)
Smash ↑+A: Soren points his hand down and then forcefully raises it up with a gust of wind magic, sending his opponent upward. ·
Smash →+A: Soren slashes his foe with Stilleto and with his other hand summons wind that knocks the enemy backwards ( Identical to Marth's Beam Sword Forward Smash). ·
Smash ↓+A: Soren kneels along with a attack of wind that strikes forward and backwards simultaniously. ·
A: closely stabs foe.
Forward: slashes foe with Stilleto from inside out followed by a gust of wind the strikes foe.
Up: [Same as Mewtwo]
Down: Soren throws the enemy down and hits it with a slash of wind vertically down.

Taunt: Soren looks down, a gust of wind blows back his cape and hair. ·
Costumes: Mage/Sage outfits and different colors (dark)
Knockback 3/5
Running Speed 3/5
Attack Speed 4/5
Jump 3/5
Weight 2/5
Falling Speed 2/5
Aerial Control 3/5
Wavedash 3/5

and a bit better description of why deserves to be in, also courtesy of Frank Fly

Path of Radiance is the game the made Fire Emblem "mainstream" and has an upcoming sequel for the Wii. Due to that, we should be expecting Ike to make an appearance, this would make a sum of 3 FE characters: 3 swordmasters . People new to the Fire Emblem franchise will prejudge it as a sword game. SSBB still needs a wider vareity of character types; magic/psychic characters are minority ( Ness, Zelda, Mewtwo ), yet they are a big addition. Also, hardcore gamers familiar to the series will sympathize with him, he is a very good character, not just a superficial cliche figure. Also he is able to have a very diverse and entertaining moveset, due to his abilites. Besides, he would be more of a unique character, unlike the new ideas that totally revolve around another character [ Dark Link, Goron Link, etc.( I really don't mind them, but they could be wasting space for better characters)], Read my moveset and support conversations in the FE boards ( Common Grounds: Path of Radiance Support List ). I really recomend you any Fire Emblem game ( Path of Radiance is has an upcoming sequel for Wii).

so anyways, heres my own finish to this now excessively lengthy post

anyways i know his chances of being in are probablk relatively small, please keep your opinions mroe tailored toward what he would be like if he were in, rather than whether he should be in or not. also would liek to hear opinions on my moveset, if theres anything i missed.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 9, 2007
A dark corner in my basement
the idea is hes mostly magic. only when he is upgraded to sage in game can he learn either knife OR staff. i didnt want to include too much of either for that reason. just enough to give him a little variety


Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2006
Somerville/Lowell, Massachusetts USA
As much as I would love to see Soren appearing in ssbb I doubt it will happen. The new FE game for the wii will have a mage be it's main character. I don't know her name but she has a much higher chance of being in it than Soren does.

If Soren was to be added, I wouldn't want him using a Staff. It wouldn't make sense if he could use a Staff and a knife besides a Staff would seem kind of pointless since you can only heal your partner and healing yourself would probably be cheap. I would have to say you should replace a lot more moves like tilts etc with magic.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 9, 2007
A dark corner in my basement
the second moveset listed on there (from Frank Fly) is more magic based. but it seemed to me that it would be difficult to have almost 100% magic attacks would make him either very easy to get good with or very hard. i like a balance of things, thats wju i put in the staff/knife attacks. besides, even soren could swing a staff around if he tried. he doesnt have to be good at it.
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