Hi there I am Sonic935, obviously pretty new. I heard about this place months ago, but only just now made an account. I am currently actually 16, but I've been playing smash all my life. I've been playing since I was three. I would go to friends house everyday at that time and play Smash 64 and used quite a bit of captain falcon. Granted I was pretty bad naturally considering I was only three. A few years later melee came out and I bought it thinking hey that smash 64 was pretty fun and since they added new characters I thought hey why not just get it. I got and at the time I was still pretty much a casual at the game. I only played to have fun in the game. Not saying that I didn't win a lot, but melee just wasn't my time. Then back in '08 I got brawl and saw that they added in Sonic. Now Sonic is a huge childhood figure for ever since I was three I have played two different series without fail Smash Bros. and Sonic the Hedgehog. In brawl I started getting more competitive. Now I know that sonic wasn't really good back then, but he was more of like a prototype. Then few years later is when I really got competitive. When Smash 4 was announced I got so hyped. I talked to someone about it and found out he was a Smash fan. Then I found another.. another... ANOTHER?! I realized I was not the only Smash fan in my school. I soon had a whole group of people who were all Smashers with me at their lead. We started holding tournaments and eventually we created a video game club where we have three different stations with one dedicated solely to Smash Bros. In fact as I'm typing this right now, after I finish classes I'm going straight to VGC(Video Game Club) to Smash!!!
Anyway happy to be here
Sonic 935
Anyway happy to be here
Sonic 935
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