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Something to think about


Smash Rookie
Sep 25, 2011
Cincinnati, Ohio 6121 Glade Ave.
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Are they ever gonna make a game that expands on the rocky friendship of Sonic and Shadow? Me personally as a lifetime Sonic fan want to see what happens next with them and a tangible explanation of how Shadow came back. Another thing i'd like to see I don't know about you guyss but I love Spider-man and i like the Spectacular Spider-man series becuause it gives you the comic sans m.s. feel and I want to see game developers make a free world version of that show with a storyy line thats optonal and side mmisssions and unlokables like new combos or faster web swinging speed or something spider-man games recently haven't given the ultimate-spiderman enough attention theyd just do a project for him and then drop the ball like I WANTED an Ultimate Spider-man 2 or a sequel or something to the fist game the story just pulled me in and the costums and feel of the game just something to think about and if you liked this tell me and ill start posting regularly things to think about
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