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Some Vids, pretty much just friendlies, any advice appreciated Thx


Smash Rookie
Nov 7, 2006
This is kind of my first post so id be kool if i can be notified if im doing anything wrong. I wish to improve my luigi so criticism is welcome i know i need to get better. :)

These are some somewhat new videos
Nytcrawler vs. Darrel 1

(in the second match i used sheik on rainbow cruise.)

Nytcrawler vs. Darrel 3

Nytcrawler vs. HomeMadeWaffles 1

Nytcrawler vs. HomeMadeWaffles 2

Nytcrawler vs. Zyda

All the other vids that are up of me can be found at the following link.


Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix Foundation
I am definitely gonna take a look at these later.

I have been meaning to get to them but I am uploading the vids from Revival of Melee in most of my spare time.

Keep on weegi-ing.

First of all let me tell you what I liked.

  • Double aerials - You seemed to be very aware of how hitting a shield with different aerials affects your shielding opponent. I saw you do dair to reverse fair when it was a safer approach then dair to nair.
  • Use of up air - People don't give this move enough credit. It has good priority against characters like sheik and falco who normally out prioritize you.
  • Stage presence - you didn't allow yourself to be in a vulnerable part of the stage. You keep fights in the middle so characters don't get the easy gimp.
  • TILTING FTILT UP - pretty much my favorite thing Luigi can do.

Here is some stuff you might want to work on

  • Wavedashing - you missed a few in all the matches and against a good opponent that is a stock
  • Aerial spam - if you were in the air you were foing aerials. Sometimes it is better to be a little more patient. Instead of Short hopped double aerials throw in some short hop aerial -> waveland. Also, as a mindgame that is safer do short hop single aerial and delay the ht until you hit the ground.
  • Edge guarding - your edge spacing is good but you aren't using the right moves. Your goal is the keep them off stage and you want to get them to use their jump. Use fsmash ftilt and aerials to do so. Stay away from upsmash and dsmash and grabs when you are edge guarding.
  • Fireballs. When you are edge guarding with fireballs, you lose your approaching speed. I try to only use fireballs when an opponent is recovering high. Otherwise get that ledge.
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