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Some questions


Smash Apprentice
Jun 18, 2006

I just read through that, and the section about knowing how to counter your character's weaknesses, and what to do from any position made two questions come to mind.
1) What is Y.Link's best option from the ledge?
Typically from the ledge, I'll try to ledgehop either a Nair or Fair, or just do a full jump and pull a bomb out.

2) What is the most efficient way to play against the space animals, Marth, Falcon, and Sheik?
Usually in these matchups, I'll just keep bouncing around, keeping bombs and my boomerang flying. When I see a good opening, I'll get in for a quick hit and try to combo out. If I can't pull the combo, I pretty much rinse and repeat.

Those areas are my biggest weaknesses as Y.Link, I think...
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