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Some good video's of me and my roomate playing. Some decent Ike vids.


Smash Rookie
Jan 2, 2008
These are some videos of my roomate and I playing some matches. Some are good some not so good. I'm PUNCH by the way.

Also I hope these video's might help anyone planning to main these character's but at the same time and CONSTRUCTIVE criticism would be nice.

Capt. Falcon vs Blood Falcon
Capt. Falcon vs Blood Falcon (2)
Capt. Falcon vs Lucas
Ike vs Link
Ike vs Snake
Ike vs Sonic
Zelda vs Falco
Zelda vs Olimar
Zelda vs Wario

Friend Code: 0130-1455-5828


Smash Apprentice
Mar 22, 2008
Pennsylvania, USA
I only seen the Ike vs Link, here's what I noticed:

Nice use of RAR + BAir and BAir in general

Use Quick Draw a lot more. In the vid I don't think I've even seen you use it once as an approach.
Use USmash and FSmash, timed correctly they can be deadly.
When edgeguarding try using B, it has more horizontal range than you would think.
If you know Link's boomerang is coming from a distance, instead of shielding jump up away from it and Quick Draw or something.


Smash Rookie
Jan 2, 2008
Thanks for the advice I have already been doing work on timing USmash and FSmash, since I posted the video's. I'll try working on edge guarding with B, but as far as quick draw goes against compotent opponents it seems really easy to punish. Other than recovery it seems so hard to pull off. I try to use it and come up short so I can attack out of it. But smart players know that if you hit something during quickdraw it has massive lag so all a smart player has to do is roll into it and shield and then punish the lag. Maybe someone here as an idea of how to deal with that.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 22, 2008
Pennsylvania, USA
Thanks for the advice I have already been doing work on timing USmash and FSmash, since I posted the video's. I'll try working on edge guarding with B, but as far as quick draw goes against compotent opponents it seems really easy to punish. Other than recovery it seems so hard to pull off. I try to use it and come up short so I can attack out of it. But smart players know that if you hit something during quickdraw it has massive lag so all a smart player has to do is roll into it and shield and then punish the lag. Maybe someone here as an idea of how to deal with that.
You need to Quick Draw when your opponents least expect it, and because of its sheer quickness they won't be able to block it. If you spam it, they'll expect it and yeah, it does have massive lag if they shield or something, and punish you for it.

When I like to use Quick Draw as an approach is when I either Sh FAir or NAir my opponent in medium %'s, they're in the air in front of you, perfect time to Quick Draw.
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