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Some Daichi vs. Tonsicus Friendlies


Smash Cadet
Apr 13, 2008
New Jersey. It's ok, we hate you too.
Heres some videos of me vs. a friend, tonsicus, over wifi. normally i dont play wifi because of control lag, but i was bored. Oh, and my camera decided it doesnt like recording audio so i had to try and make up for that. ill have a capture device soon.

Daichi(Mario) vs. Tonsicus(D3 The Mighty Duck):

Mario's my main. I've been using him for a while and i think im pretty good, although i know i have alot of room for improvement. Granted this is over wi-fi, both of us are suffering from button lag.

Daichi(Fox) vs. Tonsics (Toon Link):

My fox is a work in progress, and i really hate using him over wifi. with the button lag it produces makes some of his more technical movements become near impossible.

Daichi(Luigi) vs. Tonsicus(Zamus):

Luigi's a work in progress too. i picked him up 2 days before this was filmed, so i dont expect perfection. Misfire and FJP ftw. again, button lag blah blah blah...

The following 2 videos are not of characters i consider myself good with, or that i am learning. they were for fun. Only watch them if you like Disturbed.

Daichi(Link) vs. Tonsicus(R.O.B.):

I don't use link competitively, mostly just for fun. This was recorded just for the lulz.

Daichi(Lucario) vs. Tonsicus(Ike):

I don't use lucario either, but he does intregue me. Maybe i'll look into him a bit more if i can't learn fox.

Feedback is welcome, flaming is not.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 2, 2007
New Jersey
Your Fox definitely needs work, but I understand that could be from lag. However, your Mario ***** so hard that gay pornstars would ask you to stop.
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