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Solo reports in!

Solo Wyvern

Smash Rookie
May 4, 2015
Stockport, England
Hello smashers! Name is Solo Wyvern but some people call me Snake as well, I've finally decided to get involved with the community after 15 years of playing Smash Bros without any sort of interaction with you guys. I've recently been getting into the competitive side of smash so I've been watching people such as Zero, Shofu, Pksparkxx and others to learn the nitty gritty parts to this series.

Also I'm a StarFox fan if you couldn't tell! I only main Fox and Falco as they fit my playstyle the best. I prefer Falco as my primary and while he was strongest in Melee and Brawl, I hope to share a few tips as I found an effective playstyle that allows me to dominate the CPU's with ease in Smash 4 as Falco.

I hope to meet some of you guys online sometime and interact with the community. See you in the battlefield!
Solo out-

Trieste SP

Smash Champion
Nov 6, 2014
Welcome to Smashboards !

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If you need any assistance I'll be glad to help, just message me !

EDIT: Made by @KMZ || WolfieXVII, @ Trieste SP Trieste SP and @Cyndane
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