Smash Cadet
I noticed a lot of people post asking for help with their Fox, and I am yet another. =_=
I'm looking for seasoned tourney vets to critique my decisions. I play with really good players who travel and stuff to compete against the big names in smash, but they aren't very good teachers. They haven't helped me as much as I would have liked. Consequently, I'm not near my friends' levels and have been left in the dust. (The person in the video is closer to my level and not one of the really good friends I'm referring to)
I don't want to clutter my youtube with frivolous smash videos, so I have uploaded a video that will be taken down eventually.
Please advise me according to these guidelines because this is how I will best improve:
1. Narrate my decision making chronologically. Say something like:
0:05 You should have done ___ instead because ____,
0:10 You could have avoided the hit by ___,
0:15 You missed a chance at a hit/grab because you should have ___
2. Let me know about any habits of the Sheik player I could punish (not one time mistakes but habits).
This is because I have bad reaction skills and it makes me make bad decisions. If I can have my decisions specifically scrutinized, I will hopefully know what situations to react to.
I know a lot of people (myself included) post general advice like "Fastfall more, you missed your l cancel there, etc. etc." Please post in the detailed way I described and not this general way because any player can self-diagnose his technical deficiencies. Now, if I missed something like a hit opportunity because I failed to realize what was technically possible, please do mention that!
Lastly, if anyone is generous enough with his time, I am interested in discussing this and other matches of mine over AIM. My sn is: Slashy3
I can send you higher quality recordings of other matches so you can critique more of my mistakes and get real time feedback questions form me. If I'm not available when you IM me, don't be put off. I do want your help, just IM me again at another point.
I'm looking for seasoned tourney vets to critique my decisions. I play with really good players who travel and stuff to compete against the big names in smash, but they aren't very good teachers. They haven't helped me as much as I would have liked. Consequently, I'm not near my friends' levels and have been left in the dust. (The person in the video is closer to my level and not one of the really good friends I'm referring to)
I don't want to clutter my youtube with frivolous smash videos, so I have uploaded a video that will be taken down eventually.
Please advise me according to these guidelines because this is how I will best improve:
1. Narrate my decision making chronologically. Say something like:
0:05 You should have done ___ instead because ____,
0:10 You could have avoided the hit by ___,
0:15 You missed a chance at a hit/grab because you should have ___
2. Let me know about any habits of the Sheik player I could punish (not one time mistakes but habits).
This is because I have bad reaction skills and it makes me make bad decisions. If I can have my decisions specifically scrutinized, I will hopefully know what situations to react to.
I know a lot of people (myself included) post general advice like "Fastfall more, you missed your l cancel there, etc. etc." Please post in the detailed way I described and not this general way because any player can self-diagnose his technical deficiencies. Now, if I missed something like a hit opportunity because I failed to realize what was technically possible, please do mention that!
Lastly, if anyone is generous enough with his time, I am interested in discussing this and other matches of mine over AIM. My sn is: Slashy3
I can send you higher quality recordings of other matches so you can critique more of my mistakes and get real time feedback questions form me. If I'm not available when you IM me, don't be put off. I do want your help, just IM me again at another point.