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So, who did you main in Melee and 64? ...Why Olimar?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 10, 2002
Ann Arbor, MI / Mankato, MN
This is just meant to be a general discussion topic, so no flamezplzkthx

Seriously, though. I'm interested if anyone is in the same boat as me, and I think it's a good topic for discussion anyway.

Well, in 64 I mained Mario. Granted, back then I was pretty young and not that good, but I loved playing as Mario. Headbutts for the win, man.

Melee, I switched to the Doc. He was a really fun character to me, and I liked surprising people. Before match: "You play as Doc? LOL" after match: "wtf i lost." His playstyle was, to me, unique, and a lot of fun. You had to play up to his strengths and try to avoid his weaknesses, and I was always extra-aware of my surroundings when I played as him.

Then...in Brawl, they took away my favorite character! I had grown to love the Doc, so much so that I lost all interest in playing as Mario. So...who now? I was at a loss.

...Until they announced a character from one of my favorite new game series. Captain Olimar? No friggin' way! I love Pikmin! I'm gonna have to investigate this, man.

And investigate I did. I found out Olimar was actually a decent character, and his playstyle, in terms of being unique, was second to none. I noticed it would actually take skill to master him, much like Doc. He would surprise my opponents even more than the Doc did! I have had random people come up to me at school and ask, "are you seriously good with Pikmin dude?" to which I respond, "Money match?"

So, here I sit, in front of my TV, rockin' the house with the tiny, tiny captain.

Plus his down-taunt is awesome.


Smash Champion
Jan 4, 2008
Lake Oswego, OR
Back in SSB64 when I'd go over to my friends to play all the time, I used Kirby. The stone was amazing (I was 8 >_>).

In Melee, I used Young Link for the longest time, then I used Marth, then I went back to Young Link, then I used the crap out of Ness. Then I started learning a high tier so I used Ness and Sheik. *shrug*

I use Olimar because I suck with who I wanted to main (Lucas) and I won a match at the GameStop tourney at Olimar and thought he was awesome and I still have fun playing him.


Smash Rookie
Dec 20, 2007
I didn't play Smash 64 much, mainly because I didn't own an N64. But when I played it at my friend's house I used Kirby and Pikachu. I never was anything but horrible at that game.

I remember when I was in junior high, and Melee was pretty new, I almost exclusively used Young Link. Any time I didn't use him I was using Link. Then last summer I started to play Melee again every now and then, and i hated both Links. For some reason I liked Mario, Samus, and Jigglypuff the most.

When Brawl came out, I expected to main Samus, but I didn't like how they made her bigger and weakened her missiles. Mario seems okay, but he just didn't feel right. I still hadn't decided on a main ( I was trying to choose between Lucario and Pokemon Trainer, as they were currently my favorites) when I was playing with a friend. We were just randomly choosing characters and having 3-stock matches with them one afternoon, when I ended up as Olimar.

I didn't know a single person who thought much of Olimar, so i was pretty sure I'd lose. Well, I was right. I did lose the match. However, at the same time i discovered how fun Olimar is to play, and since then his potential as a fighter has become more evident.

Blade Knight

Smash Ace
Oct 13, 2007
Hmmm..interesting question well In both 64 and Melee I used Kirby and my friends called my play pwn(ful). Now Kirby has changed.. ALOT I'm still good with hmm but no longer main material. First I considered Meta Knight and I said "Nah to steryotypical." then I considered Lucas with whom I am good, and Wario again I was not let down but my ONE make-or-break character was Olimar the moment he was confirmed (and one happy dance later), I said he is my main. I cannot say I am dissapointed ayone who has challenged me and said "OLIMAR SUCKZORZLOL!" has epicly phailed in their attempt to show they are better than me I have not lost once with Olimar and I plan to keep it that way for some time.

Capt. Oli

Smash Cadet
Mar 15, 2008
Back when SSB64 came out I was 6...I don't even think I mained anyone lol. I played as Pikachu the most though. In Melee I mained Ice Climbers; they are still my second/third in Brawl.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 14, 2008
Switch FC
I used Kirby a lot in Super Smash Bros 64. I used him so much that every time I went to my friends' house to play, Kirby would be banned because of his unfair floating abilities. :(

In Melee, I used Sheik. She was amazing! I loved her speed and strength. Her forward-air was just plain powerful, and she was a joy to play.

Now, I use Olimar as my main character. I like him because he is... mute! He doesn't make any annoying grunts or sounds like Pit with his special attacks, or Wolf's "YAH!" when he uses his forward smash. Olimar is so not annoying. His PIKMIN, on the other hand, can be annoying to opponents. But I just love how Olimar is so meek and humble. :) I know it's a silly reason why I play as Olimar, but if I'm going to be playing a particular game for several years, I want to select a character that does not annoy me. :)


Smash Master
Mar 25, 2008
nxt to Dphat wit all dem azn biches
After looking back, I choose characters who my pals say blow, and I learned them just to blow it in their face. haha. On the 64 I played ness, and was pretty much amazing with him. His down A aerial was by far my favorite move because you could spike and combo so well. His recovery was beastly as well.
In melee they striped ness down of my two favorite components so I had to find a new character. I started out as Roy, but that ended after I unlocked Falco, who I rocked the house with. Prolly the last year and a half or so I switched to jiggly and I was just as good, if not better, with 'em. Jiggs was an amazing character, and sleep killing was by far the most fun / humiliating way to get a KO.
Again I was disappointed when my characters lost my favorite attributes about them, but then again... there were so many great new characters to try out. When Brawl came out I played as pit for a few days, but it didn't really do it for me. From my last characters you can prolly tell a running theme is a spike / good recovery, but maybe not so much for those exact reasons. Pit just seemed inadequate to me. So somehow I ended up with 4 characters whom I really liked, those being R.O.B. , Lucario, PT, and Olimar... and slowly, just after playing more and more matches with my buds I took away ROB and Lucario. Reason I main as Olimar is just because... I'm not even sure actually. I loved pikmin and pikmin 2. Great games. He's so quarky too, it's great. He's fun to play.



Smash Rookie
Jan 11, 2008
Vallejo, CA
in ssb64 i mained fox because he moved the fastest of the eight characters already available (plus he could reflect stuff while no one else could). at the beginning of melee, i still mained fox for some time because i was so familiar with him from ssb64. but after a while i got bored with always winning with fox so i picked up zelda. from there i changed to sheik at the beginning of every match (i used down b to change, i didn't know that you can auto change by holding a before the stage loads at the time) and used sheik's amazing combo ability to rack up damage and then change to zelda for the kill. it wasn't until i stopped using zelda altogether that i mained sheik. i finally found the two best kill moves that sheik has: her Fair and dsmash.

in ssb64 and melee, i played two of the speediest characters in the game. when brawl came out i figured i'd stick with sheik and fox as my main arsenal. i gave them a try and the results were kinda on the bad side. i was mad that sheik's Fair had been seriously nerfed, along with her dash attack juggle and tilt comboes (no more ftilt utilt dtilt to fair anymore, utilt messes it all up). but brawl sheik isn't so bad once you find out how to work everything out and get rid of the ssbm mindset. and playing as fox just didn't feel right for me. so i just went with the character who is the most unique compared to all the other characters: Olimar. he wasn't the speediest of characters, but he was totally different, and i work well with different; i also love killer Fairs for some reason. after a few matches with my friend on US release night, my mind was set, Olimar & Pikmin for the main.

templar rage

Smash Cadet
Feb 26, 2008
In SS64, I didn't really main anyone, since I wasn't into it enough to call it that. I played most with Capt. Falcon and Mario.

In Melee, I jumped around for a while. I started with Mario and Falcon again, but went to the Dr. when I unlocked him. Then, one day, I went to my friends and thought "I'll try someone different." I took Roy, and instantly pwned everyone, from then on, he was my main, with the Dr. following a close second.

I use Olimar in Brawl because everyone sees him as the joke character, much like Jiggly once was. I love the look on people's faces when they lose to me, its like "WTF, how did I lose to Olimar???" Just to prove that, I was playing on my WiFi against some random people, I was Olimar and destroyed them. Then, all 3 of them just dropped out, like they were too ashamed to play me again, I died laughing.


Smash Cadet
Mar 19, 2008
Lafayette, Indiana
I really wasn't into SSB64 enough to have a main, but I was really good at Pikachu. I mained Sheik, Pikachu, and Ganondorf. Now I main Olimar, Zelda, and Pikachu. Honestly, though, Olimar is so much fun to play that I couldn't resist. :p


Smash hhkj'
Sep 19, 2007
Boston, MA
I mained Link and Ness in 64 because they kicked ***.
I mained Young Link and Ness in Melee because they sucked (top tier ftw)
I'm maining Lucas and Sonic because Ness sucks, Toon Link isn't Young Link, and I don't like Links changes


Smash Cadet
Jan 3, 2008
In SSB64 I mained Link, since he was so good then, though he isn't as good now. For Melee I swithed to Roy, as his KO move pwned, and he was an overall amazing character. But I stunk at both of those games, and I'm amazed I currently do so well Olimar lol.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 4, 2005
I mained JIgglypuff in Melee. Since Jiggs right now sucks, i use people who tend to have a good DI With decent attacks. Olimar Fits my preferences.


Smash Rookie
Mar 22, 2008
64: Pikachu and Yoshi

Melee: Marth and Yoshi

I got brawl over spring break and was doing FFAs with a bunch of during characters (mainly ike, pikachu, falcon) with my friends for awhile. I actually thought Olimar was the worst character in the game (I tried him once when we unlocked him), thinking he was completely useless and an incomplete and frivolous character. He seemed really weak and had too much going on with his pikmin. When I got back to college I switched to Lucario and messed around with him.

Looking at the character list, I realized I never really played the characters I LIKED in games (well, I like Yoshi a lot haha) and Olimar is by far my favorite character available in brawl. I read that Olimar was not nearly as impotent as I though over break, so I tried him and now I'm in love with his playstyle!


Smash Champion
Jan 4, 2008
Lake Oswego, OR
64: Pikachu and Yoshi

Melee: Marth and Yoshi

I got brawl over spring break and was doing FFAs with a bunch of during characters (mainly ike, pikachu, falcon) with my friends for awhile. I actually thought Olimar was the worst character in the game (I tried him once when we unlocked him), thinking he was completely useless and an incomplete and frivolous character. He seemed really weak and had too much going on with his pikmin. When I got back to college I switched to Lucario and messed around with him.

Looking at the character list, I realized I never really played the characters I LIKED in games (well, I like Yoshi a lot haha) and Olimar is by far my favorite character available in brawl. I read that Olimar was not nearly as impotent as I though over break, so I tried him and now I'm in love with his playstyle!
You don't unlock Olimar... o.o


Smash Rookie
Mar 22, 2008
You don't unlock Olimar... o.o
hrmm... thought you did.

Like i said, I just got the game and began playing FFA with my friends. I first started with Ike and after awhile one of my friends said he just unlocked olimar (maybe he meant someone else). I tried him once, thought he sucked and made fun of him... then i went back to my other charcters.

I read an article about Olimar being confirmed for the game and was excited because I liked him more than any other brawl character, but I never really played the characters I liked in games.

I guess I am just shocked at how much I like him and how he seems much better than when I originally thought he was THE worst character in brawl and very incomplete.


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2008
In 64 and Melee I used Link because he was my favorite character in the available rosters.

In Brawl, I main Ike and Olimar for precisely the same reason: they are my favorites.


Smash Cadet
Mar 12, 2008
Pikachu in 64, in melee I jumped around quite a lot (seven years is a long time). I jumped between Sheik, Yoshi, IC, Fox/Falco, and finally a bit of Pikachu and captain falcon in the end.

I play Olimar originally becuase I was extremely excited to see such a unique character in the dojo update. Now, I continue to play him because he has a unique playstyle that far from the same as any other character.


Smash Cadet
Mar 16, 2008
This is just meant to be a general discussion topic, so no flamezplzkthx

Seriously, though. I'm interested if anyone is in the same boat as me, and I think it's a good topic for discussion anyway.

Well, in 64 I mained Mario. Granted, back then I was pretty young and not that good, but I loved playing as Mario. Headbutts for the win, man.

Melee, I switched to the Doc. He was a really fun character to me, and I liked surprising people. Before match: "You play as Doc? LOL" after match: "wtf i lost." His playstyle was, to me, unique, and a lot of fun. You had to play up to his strengths and try to avoid his weaknesses, and I was always extra-aware of my surroundings when I played as him.

Then...in Brawl, they took away my favorite character! I had grown to love the Doc, so much so that I lost all interest in playing as Mario. So...who now? I was at a loss.

...Until they announced a character from one of my favorite new game series. Captain Olimar? No friggin' way! I love Pikmin! I'm gonna have to investigate this, man.

And investigate I did. I found out Olimar was actually a decent character, and his playstyle, in terms of being unique, was second to none. I noticed it would actually take skill to master him, much like Doc. He would surprise my opponents even more than the Doc did! I have had random people come up to me at school and ask, "are you seriously good with Pikmin dude?" to which I respond, "Money match?"

So, here I sit, in front of my TV, rockin' the house with the tiny, tiny captain.

Plus his down-taunt is awesome.
In N64 I mained Pikachu, and I owned w/ him. In melee, I mained Doc Mario, because he was just so good. I was so good w/ Doc, but since they took him out, I liked Olimar. Olimar just has some of doc's winning qualities. Lol, I usually own people in melee, because they all think Doc sucks. But yeh, olimar is a beast.


Smash Rookie
Mar 25, 2008
i never owned ssb64 but when i played at friends i played as fox, and then when melee came around i played as an assortment of characters in this order, dk-fox-mewtwo-yoshi-fox, then i sold my gc and stopped playing, then i started up alot a year ago and mained as fox-yoshi-fox and he was top tier and i heard complaints from friend so i was like alright let me see, who is in bottom tier, kirby, so i mained as kirby for awhile and got pretty decent with him, then my friend got brawl b4 me, and played as every1 and i started maining as d3 cause he played bowser, but i couldnt stand a chance against ppl like diddy, so i started playing as kirby again and owned, and then i asked him whos like the worst characters, he's like probably olimar and snake, and sonic is the noobiest, so i play olimar and snake, olimar is main and i own as him now, and snake is secondary for fun(also, in last game my friend got mad me playing as fox and switched to him and mained as him, now when i own as olimar, he will probably switch to olimar cause he will see how good he is, then i'll probably have to move to snake and own him with snake(the only problem i got with snake is im just not used to his moves, cause you know they are wierd, not standard smashes)) wow sry bout wall 'o' text


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2007
Palmdale, CA
i never played ssb64, mostly because i never had a n64 lol i think i played with mario though

in melee i mained ganon and got pretty decent with him in a very short amount of time

now in brawl i had originally wanted to main d3 but as i was exploring all the new characters i stumbled upon oli and instantly fell in love with his playstyle
then i saw echo play and loved him more lol


Smash Cadet
Jun 7, 2007
Mty, Mexico
N64: I never played SSB64 , because I never had a n64 either xD, but I think I used pikachu ( I was a real pokefan back then).

Melee: I got melee and didn't play it much, after a year or so I picked it up again, used shiek. My friend used Falco , so I began to use him too, and later I kiked his arse with Falco ( We have a rule, if we both want the same character, the one who beats the other one with the same character gets it lol, We dont like to have the same characters :p .)

Brawl: Well, I find Olimar very humble and simple, but still unbelievably powerful. I think that the character you use kind of defines who you are, and Olimar is for people that got sick of people laughing at him and thought him useless , to later use him, kik their a**** with him, and drop the controll on their wide-eyed, O-mouthed, faces lol. Olimar FTW!


Smash Journeyman
Mar 14, 2008
Switch FC
Brawl: Well, I find Olimar very humble and simple, but still unbelievably powerful. I think that the character you use kind of defines who you are, and Olimar is for people that got sick of people laughing at him and thought him useless , to later use him, kik their a**** with him, and drop the controll on their wide-eyed, O-mouthed, faces lol. Olimar FTW!
I like Olimar for the same reasons. :) Also, I like how Olimar doesn't SOUND ANNOYING. Besides that noise that he makes when throwing Pikmin (is that Olimar making that noise, or the Pikmin?), Olimar, himself, is mute! He doesn't make any annoying screams or grunts, like Pit's "Way-yahhhh!" during his side-B special, or Wolf's "YAH!!!" during his forward-smash.

I think it's very important to NOT be annoyed by your own main character. :) Especially if it's a character you will be using for years and years.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 20, 2008
I wasa 64 Kirby, who switched to Falcon. Then in Melee, I ran through Doc, Yoshi, Ganon, Jiggs, and Luigi. I play Olimar now because I love the Pikmin series. And he is a lot of fun. :)


Smash Journeyman
Mar 14, 2008
Switch FC
Gaz, the Pikmin make the noise. I like it, though, since I played the Pikmin games.
Really? Wow, so Olimar really is mute in SSBB. :) I like that a lot. It makes playing Olimar bearable.


Jul 1, 2007
SSB64: Samus (dair, dair, dair, dair, dair, dair, bair)
SSBM: Marth and Falco
SSBB: Olimar and Mario

...Why not Olimar?


Smash Cadet
Jun 7, 2007
Mty, Mexico
I like Olimar for the same reasons. :) Also, I like how Olimar doesn't SOUND ANNOYING. Besides that noise that he makes when throwing Pikmin (is that Olimar making that noise, or the Pikmin?), Olimar, himself, is mute! He doesn't make any annoying screams or grunts, like Pit's "Way-yahhhh!" during his side-B special, or Wolf's "YAH!!!" during his forward-smash.

I think it's very important to NOT be annoyed by your own main character. :) Especially if it's a character you will be using for years and years.
Right with you. The lack of any noise coming from Olimar make him look... well, deadlier lol. Its as he knows that he is just freaking awesome, and dosen't need to brag everytime he KO's his opponent. Silence is so underrated lol.

P.S: Is Olimar human? I think he is but the ears and nose kind of dont fit in..
(Dosen't have Pikmin games)


Smash Rookie
Jul 23, 2007
On 64 I would "main" fox (i was like 5 or 6) playing after school with a butch of friends Woot first grade xD

Melee i switched to Falco since I didnt like melee fox and went with Doc as second main

Now its up to captain Olimar to take over my main slot and prolly PT as my second one


Smash Rookie
Mar 30, 2008
Right with you. The lack of any noise coming from Olimar make him look... well, deadlier lol. Its as he knows that he is just freaking awesome, and dosen't need to brag everytime he KO's his opponent. Silence is so underrated lol.

P.S: Is Olimar human? I think he is but the ears and nose kind of dont fit in..
(Dosen't have Pikmin games)
I also concur on this point... In the first match I played when our family got the game, my sister used Pit and immediately started spamming the angel ring. I still hate Pit. I've figured out how to fight against him, but he just irritates me. Olimar is such a humble little man. =)

No, he's not human. He's from the planet Hocotate, and in fact, the planet of giants that he visits is earth. In Pikmin 2, you find treasures like bottlecaps and duracell batteries, and the landscape even contains some gargantuan melting snowmen, suggesting that humans are still around.

On topic, though, I mained Link and Pikachu in SSB64, and in Melee I mained Link for a while and then switched to Sheik. I got kind of malcontent with Sheik after a while, though, and avoided playing the game since Brawl was coming out soon and it was too late to practice for a new main.

Come Brawl, I decided to try out something totally different and choose the character from one of my favorite series: Olimar. My siblings and friends scoffed at my choice, but now they view him as a legitimate character. I loved how when playing online people underestimated me, and I was sold.


Smash Cadet
Nov 5, 2007
In 64 i would main kirby because I thought that the little pink blob that eats anything was so friggin cool.

Then, when i played my first kirby game, i loved it, and eventually played many more kirby games. kirby became my favorite nintendo franchise 2nd only to smash.

I decided to main kirby again in melee, even though he sucked.

Then I played pikmin 2, and thought the game was so cool, much like kirby.

So, I decided to main both kirby and olimar (along with meta, and dedede). Its funny how all my mains are in the middle row of the character selection.
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