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So the origin of tripping was found.


Smash Hero
Oct 27, 2008
Haiti Gonna Hait
He said it in an interview.
Which makes sense, considering almost every character can infinite jump, autocancling, the edge hugging, multiple air doges, how nearly ever b move makes you move somewhere in the air now, etc.
The entire game is basically built for air battles.
Except Snake, who instead was given a great anti-air game, with his upsmash, grenades, side special, disjointed uptilt, and how they give his c4 an abnormally large underneath hitbox to ensure snake hits himself back up into the air using it and can gimp those trying to recover low, as well as many characters being able to hit after their upb, giving them great offensive and maneuvering capabilities.


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2009
lol crashic get that junk outta here

i didn't watch the vid (and i'm not going too) but sakurai did it cause he's a ***** that doesn't like competition and wanted everyone to feel good about themselves like a ******


Smash Hero
Oct 27, 2008
Haiti Gonna Hait
lol crashic get that junk outta here

i didn't watch the vid (and i'm not going too) but sakurai did it cause he's a ***** that doesn't like competition and wanted everyone to feel good about themselves like a ******
So he purposefully programed a chaingrab in the game because he wanted casual players to enjoy getting ***** at the game? (refering to King DDDs chaingrab)


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2009
i think you're a fool if you think sakurai wanted the game to be competitive

don't act like you know how the game was developed, cause you don't

besides you're a ***** that plays that char. that "*****" "casual" players (who could just as easily chaingrab you back, OH MAN SKILLZ), go do something like post the same picture of you and your ****ing girlfriend AGAIN (so tired of seeing it)


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2004
Minot, ND
They're playing Sonic Adventure 2 I think. Or Sonic Adventure 1.

Chaos are the Devil.


Smash Hero
Oct 27, 2008
Haiti Gonna Hait
i think you're a fool if you think sakurai wanted the game to be competitive

don't act like you know how the game was developed, cause you don't

besides you're a ***** that plays that char. that "*****" "casual" players (who could just as easily chaingrab you back, OH MAN SKILLZ), go do something like post the same picture of you and your ****ing girlfriend AGAIN (so tired of seeing it)
wtf are you talking about? I posted that picture twice, once in the DDD social, and again when a guy was talking about Florida women.
I am going off what Sakurai himself has said about the game, and the information that Samurai Panda used to prove that the chaingrab was intentional.
Do you have any proof that he didn't want the game to be competitive? Or that they wanted Melee to be?
Your such a whiny *****. If you were a top player I wouldn't mind, but you are just some random **** who likes *****ing about everything.
And if you honestly cared about technical skill and playing a competative game, you wouldn't be playing Smash.


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2009
lol i know i've seen it more than twice (maybe others posting it to joke about it... it is funny)

the proof that the game was not made to be competitive is in the man's (sakurai's) ideals... look up the interview where he talks about sports

not that it matters, cause once it's shipped it's shipped and we got 2 good games and one that is fun but baddddddddd

lol, i don't whine; i just make dumb posts to mess with people

and you think i'm a "random"?? hahahahahah k (edit: btw, way to show how much you meat ride people talkin about how you wouldn't care if i were a "top" player)

why would i play smash then? like... are you dumb? melee is one of the more technical fighting games out there but that's besides the point


Smash Champion
Apr 22, 2006
Columbus, GA
wtf are you talking about? I posted that picture twice, once in the DDD social, and again when a guy was talking about Florida women.
I am going off what Sakurai himself has said about the game, and the information that Samurai Panda used to prove that the chaingrab was intentional.
Do you have any proof that he didn't want the game to be competitive? Or that they wanted Melee to be?
Your such a whiny *****. If you were a top player I wouldn't mind, but you are just some random **** who likes *****ing about everything.
And if you honestly cared about technical skill and playing a competative game, you wouldn't be playing Smash.
I don't like the part about "if you were a top player I wouldn't mind."

Who cares how good anyone is in the community? That doesn't necessarily downfall their opinion. What gets ****ty ratings of people is when they go off and say ******** ****.

Thing is, Sakurai DID aim it for casual play and not competitive play. He DID add tripping for the "fun" element. Melee was a
mistake, and it was stated so. Brawl is the envision that the developers originally had for Smash Brothers. The idea that anyone can back Brawl up as being designed for competitive play in any manner is ridiculous.

Go Melee!


Mar 16, 2007
This thread is a troll within a troll within a troll. It's a troll trifecta.

And if it actually isn't, y'all need to check your ***** for sticks.


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2009
lol you caught me (i only posted to mess with cras-hick)

edit: actually bothered to watch the vid, haha chao racing wasted so much of my life :)


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
wtf are you talking about? I posted that picture twice, once in the DDD social, and again when a guy was talking about Florida women.
I am going off what Sakurai himself has said about the game, and the information that Samurai Panda used to prove that the chaingrab was intentional.
Do you have any proof that he didn't want the game to be competitive? Or that they wanted Melee to be?
Your such a whiny *****. If you were a top player I wouldn't mind, but you are just some random **** who likes *****ing about everything.
And if you honestly cared about technical skill and playing a competative game, you wouldn't be playing Smash.
I chaingrabbed your girlfriend across my bedroom last night. ;)

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
This ^^ is win and Gerbil is win.

Crashic, what in the right mind makes you think that Brawl is meant for being competitive? Sakurai designed it so a bunch of kids can get together and play a free for all with items on, with a wii remote. It's not so a bunch of dudes without girlfriends can pay to either get their *** kicked or take all of that money. Melee was intended to do the same thing that Brawl is designed to do, but for melee, it worked. IMO, I think Brawl is slow, boring and MK. Melee is player vs player, not character vs character.

And just take this vid as it is, a JOKE. This was supposed to be funny. It's like going off of the topic of being rickrolld and saying that rickroll was designed for hardcore pranking and seriousness, as long as you do it, it doesn't matter of the laugh. It's pathetic.

And was the game that they were really playing a beta of brawl?
1) Sakurai was there. Why would he be there for Chao Racing.
2) She's holding a ****ING WIIMOTE. LOL.


Smash Hero
Oct 27, 2008
Haiti Gonna Hait
First off, my first post was not saying Brawl was made to be competitive, just air based, which makes sense with everything that is included in the game from a floating powerup to how floaty all the characters are.

I was not implying that Brawl was better than Melee.

I was not taking this thread seriously, just sharing some information on the purpose of tripping.

But whatever, I feel stupid as **** for arguing about video games on the internet, as should everyone else.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Yep, I'm the idiot for trying to say that this thread was made for kicks, and yeah, of course I'm the one being pushed for trying to make you realize that you're being an idiotic closed mind ******.

BRAWL WAS MADE FOR ZERO COMPETITIVE DRIVE. I'LL GET SAKURAI TO GO STRAIGHT TO YOUR HOUSE, AND HE'LL PERSONALLY TELL YOU THAT. No, the reason that characters are floaty is not for air game, but to be able to jump and grab items. Tripping is not to prevent being on ground and going to the air game, but to make you the idiot who tripped so that everyone can get a hoot out of it. The consumers made this absolutely 100% uncompetitive somehow become hardcore. Without us, desperate for the new thing, the casual can get some buddies over to play in the custom made box with items on and still call it skill.

And I'm not necessarily fighting, I'd call it helping the naive and closed minded. That's one trait I most hate from people: not being able to change their freaking mind when proven wrong. Makes me sick.

On a side note, admit you got mad for nothing, and realize that what sandtru did was a joke. There's more things in life than making a mountain from a mole hill (metaphor ftw).


Smash Hero
Oct 27, 2008
Haiti Gonna Hait
Sakurai said himself he wanted the game to be more air based in an interview with Nintendo Power.
Melee was made with no competitive drive at all either, and that wasn't the original purpose of my first post.
My mom is dead. So good job **** head.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Ahh. I've learned how people really react when their mom is dead (my buddies mom died 8 years ago, I said a your mom joke, and he said that his mom was dead, but also added that he gets that sometimes, and that he won't try to make people feel bad for assuming his mom's alive), but still, I'll dig her up and do it to her corpse.

And yes, Melee was made with the same intent that Brawl was made, but Melee is the bigger mistake, and in our eyes, it's the better game due to that mistake. Sorry for assuming that that was your point of the first post. I'll man up to my mistake.

And can you post a url to me backing up that interview with Nintendo Power? It seems like b.s.
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