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So, I'm starting to think I was banned.

Tasty Villager

Smash Rookie
Sep 13, 2015
I posted a thread for the first time ever (i've never used smash forums before) regarding this issue.

so out of curiosity i started looking into it, i thought being banned was just the 9 minute message you get when your 3ds battery dies in the middle of a match or you just turn off the system because the lag is bad / annoying, or for idling too long.

so as i was reading into this i saw a pattern. the better, more stronger players were more likely to be banned, and could only fight other banned players.

now, the last "normal" FG battle i had was yesterday. i was fighting this donkey kong player for a good hour. they would change characters but eventually stuck with DK because that was their strongest fighter. i was playing wii fit trainer and had no issue winning each match with both lives intact (most of the time). my main kill method was meteor smashing via header (yes. header can meteor smash if the head hits the opponent before the ball does) which is fun and easier to do, especially on bigger characters like DK.

after our final match which consisted of me (not trying to toot my own horn here) meteor smashing this person's DK off stage twice before they could stack up more than 30% damage on me.

as i wait in the character selection screen, they take an absurdly large amount of time. i read that you can report people in the victory screen in 3ds version which may take a while, causing the player filing the report to take a long time to come back to the character selection screen.

so, i got tired of waiting and left. i turned my 3ds off and got ready to go hang out with a friend.

now today, as i play in "ban land" fighting the same player(s) and waiting more than 10 minutes to find someone to fight (who i assume is a banned player as well) i noticed all of these "banned" players are incredibly good. i can barely compete against them, and if i am able to corner them or beat them it's a stroke of luck. like a captain falcon player with flawless air drops and perfect grabbing times. a sonic player with perfect pivoting. all of the players i could fight (which is like, 4 different people) were fighting perfectly. not rolling. not being cheap. just incredibly good in every way.

i read a post discussing "ban land" and in it some people said that only the stronger players get banned because the more casual players gets salty and assume they're hacking to be so good. i'm starting to believe this is true. because like i said, every player i've seen in ban land so far isn't doing anything wrong. they're just very very good and can read and predict my every move to KO me quickly, which is amazing.

idk. i just felt like posting this because it was interesting to me.


Peace and love and all that jazzmatazz~! <3
Aug 28, 2014
Here, there, who knows?
Have you tried to contact somebody about it? Is there a help desk of sorts to work it out?

EDIT: Why did you make two threads for this?
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Tasty Villager

Smash Rookie
Sep 13, 2015
i've never used forums before and it didn't occur to me that i could just edit my original thread to include this. and idk


Smash Cadet
Sep 5, 2015
Wait for 10 minutes and get paired with a good one. Sounds perfect. I usually have to fight for 30 minutes against laggy lame spammers until I find a good player.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 25, 2014
Wait for 10 minutes and get paired with a good one. Sounds perfect. I usually have to fight for 30 minutes against laggy lame spammers until I find a good player.
whats wrong with playing against spammers?


Smash Cadet
Nov 18, 2014
Macomb, Michigan
Wait for 10 minutes and get paired with a good one. Sounds perfect. I usually have to fight for 30 minutes against laggy lame spammers until I find a good player.
The problem with this sentiment is said "good" players are plentiful to be sure. However there's a good share of people who are quite toxic within Smash Hell and probably rightly so got banned for their rude behavior towards their opponents.

And personally for me, I don't really play 1v1's in this game, which is what mainly everyone does in Smash Hell.
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Smash Rookie
Sep 12, 2014
while in smash hell i discovered something, 2v2 matches are really fun unless you fight against lucas, ness and/or robin in any combination (those tend to be spammers)


Smash Journeyman
Nov 10, 2014
I got banned again.
Whoopdee freakin' doo.
And this time it's somehow worse than the first time. Whereas my first ban, I'd run into the same 7 people, it took me 20 minutes to find one guy, who I then proceeded to find again and again no matter how many times I backed out.

I was first unbanned August 30th and have been fine ever since.
The worst part is, I had stopped using Ness for a while and started using Mr. G&W, but of course, this past week I started playing as Ness again and what a coincidence, banned again.

The last guy I played before everyone mysteriously disappeared, I didn't even use a single PK Fire or throw. Just 0 to death combos consisting of nairs, bairs, and up airs.
Pretty sure that salty filth reported me.
I friend requested him asking him if he reported me, but I doubt the loser will ever answer.

I made the conscious effort to not break any rules since my last ban. I wouldn't even taunt. I didn't want to step on any toes. I can claim with absolute certainty that this report system is flawed and no one is reviewing reports. I did nothing to deserve being banned and yet here I am again. Good job, Nintendo. You somehow always manage to make PS4 and Xbox 1 seem godly when it comes to online services. They failed with Brawl and like a tradition, they managed to find a way to mess up Smash 4's online. Reports shouldn't be aggregated, they should be reviewed.
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