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So... I lost my data. AGAIN.

Vintage Creep

Smash Master
Oct 8, 2012
Silent Hill
Recently my WiiU had some problems booting so I had to send it to the Nintendo Assistance. They fixed it pretty fast to be honest (in like a week) but like they warned me, I lost all my data. Now I don't really care about it to be honest, but I liked having everything unlocked on Brawl, especially characters and stages.

This isn't the first time I had to unlock everything again, it happened a few years ago when I tried to fix my Wii which didn't read the disk anymore, and once again when I tried to hack my Wii to play custom stages and such, failing hard.

Now since Sm4sh is on the way I refuse to do certain boring tasks like doing Classic Mode with everyone, or All-Star (THE WORST), I decided to unlock characters and stages only by playing with my friends. It's pretty fast too, in two hours we unlocked five characters and two stages, so it's not really a problem. I would like all the music and trophies though.

I would simply download the data on my SD if it was possible, but as you probably know Brawl's data is unmovable for some reason. Or is it?

I guess what I'm asking is: is there a safe, possibly easy way to just take the data from sites like wiisaves.com (I think there's one called like that at least) without having to hack my WiiU? I can't do it on my Wii because it doesn't read the disk anymore. I mean I simply need a softmod or something like that which permits me to move Brawl's data (PAL version) into my SD and then into the WiiU. Any help?

As far as the data goes, all characters/stages/trophies is more than enough but I guess there's plenty of sources with all the stickers too (never got to find them all, 698 is my record...).

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