Smash Ace
why I suck.
I do goods while I tries hard and concentrates and waveshinez peoples across the stage, but den like a minute or so into the match, I start thinking about naked girlz and doing stoopid things like illusioning off the edge. Canz somebodies halp me not think about nekked gurlz while I am playing smash???? Them images of nakie boobies distracting me while I playing. I really need halp with not getting mind gamez by distracting womenz while I play. Halp plz??

I do goods while I tries hard and concentrates and waveshinez peoples across the stage, but den like a minute or so into the match, I start thinking about naked girlz and doing stoopid things like illusioning off the edge. Canz somebodies halp me not think about nekked gurlz while I am playing smash???? Them images of nakie boobies distracting me while I playing. I really need halp with not getting mind gamez by distracting womenz while I play. Halp plz??