Smash Cadet
I was on a couple of weeks ago and got a group together. We decided to have a falcon PAWNCH match, meaning we only use falcon punches to attack. We could still recover with the up/side b if necessary... but the damage ratio was at 2.0 so that was a bit rare. I've made 2 of these videos, all of them are at 10 stock no time limit and considering that we were below the replay limit.. it was a very very fast match. The first video. Nothing really interesting happened during this fight. (Sorry for the shakyness in the this video.)
Now the second video... is something that was a very very fun match and a OMGWTFLULZ moment in it. See if you can catch it.
and on kinda related topic... We've also did a warlock punch fight... I won with about 14/16 kills. The first video. Nothing really interesting happened during this fight. (Sorry for the shakyness in the this video.)
Now the second video... is something that was a very very fun match and a OMGWTFLULZ moment in it. See if you can catch it.
and on kinda related topic... We've also did a warlock punch fight... I won with about 14/16 kills.