Pink DSes are hard to lose and probably won't get stolen. :-P Anyway if you waited a week or two, DSes would become prevalent again..
I got the WiFi adapter when it was brand new, and mine still works when decide to use it. My Wii is pretty far so I don't really use it all the time and WiFi is finally working for my Wii (although for Brawl I will probably hook it up through a solid line). Had to use the new versions of the drivers, though.
For Wii games, you could easily pack in a DS cart in a Wii disc case like GBA games can be packed in with DS cases. Also, DS carts are 128 MB I think (they say it as "1 gb," which is a lame way to inflate numbers). You know what makes me mad at some unused potential for Nintendo systems? Why aren't there any expansion packs for DS games? You can load in a GBA cart and a DS cart at the same time. An upgraded GBA cart, or a GBA cart used as an SD cart adapter, and you could have fairly cheap game expansions.
"Salable" is a word, actually.
*Shudders* at your meal. I might barf.
You went to private school, huh? Class trip to Japan, and mandatory laptops.
Hahahahaha. They bowed?! Awesome!