Alright my friend Leeland has decided to open his house to play smash the day before the UCSD triweekly. Here's all the info:
8761 Menkar Rd
San Diego, CA 92126
The smashfest is gonna take place on FRIDAY, April 17th (the day before the tournament). You can start arriving around 3ish and its gonna go til whenever. Just cut down on the noise around dinnertime hours please and thank you
As always, bring gamecubes, tvs, etc. The more we have, the better. For additional information, feel free to contact either Leeland or myself (im charles btw). Here's all that shizz:
858 218 5730
aim: rockleeland
858 337 1867
aim: itschuckyg
So yeahhhh come to leelands to play smash lol. We can easily direct/drive out-of-towners to food venues, its no big deal. holla
8761 Menkar Rd
San Diego, CA 92126
The smashfest is gonna take place on FRIDAY, April 17th (the day before the tournament). You can start arriving around 3ish and its gonna go til whenever. Just cut down on the noise around dinnertime hours please and thank you
As always, bring gamecubes, tvs, etc. The more we have, the better. For additional information, feel free to contact either Leeland or myself (im charles btw). Here's all that shizz:
858 218 5730
aim: rockleeland
858 337 1867
aim: itschuckyg
So yeahhhh come to leelands to play smash lol. We can easily direct/drive out-of-towners to food venues, its no big deal. holla