Smash Rookie
Hello smashboards! I have finally decided to actually post something rather than just stare at the front page!
My real name is Mitchell and I'm from the world most exciting city Brandon, Manitoba Canada. I have the strange ability to have been playing Smash since the 64 days and have not gotten any better at it. I have joined the boards in hopes of changing this. I am currently playing Sm4sh the most now that I have the internet fast enough to play online.
I am currently maining Lucario as I find the idea of winning because you are losing the greatest concept for a fighter ever.
I am a huge video game collector and Magic:The Gathering player. I also enjoy anime and stand-up comedy.
In Brandon I am very involved in the Brandon University Gaming Association (BUGA) and am trying to bring a monthly Smash tournament to the Brandon area. So if you are in the area give us a shout!
My real name is Mitchell and I'm from the world most exciting city Brandon, Manitoba Canada. I have the strange ability to have been playing Smash since the 64 days and have not gotten any better at it. I have joined the boards in hopes of changing this. I am currently playing Sm4sh the most now that I have the internet fast enough to play online.
I am currently maining Lucario as I find the idea of winning because you are losing the greatest concept for a fighter ever.
I am a huge video game collector and Magic:The Gathering player. I also enjoy anime and stand-up comedy.
In Brandon I am very involved in the Brandon University Gaming Association (BUGA) and am trying to bring a monthly Smash tournament to the Brandon area. So if you are in the area give us a shout!