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Smash @ The Dojo #1 results/shoutouts

alex mora

Smash Ace
Aug 14, 2013
The Woodlands, TX
Smash @ The Dojo #1 was a really great tournament. Thanks to everyone who showed up and congrats to all our winners.

I'm still missing a lot of characters to names, if people could just list the placing and any character I missed I would really appreciate it and i'll edit the character heads in.

Melee Singles (40 entrants)
1. Gameguys | Mojo:foxmelee::falcomelee::falconmelee:
2. Jake13 :falcomelee::foxmelee::marthmelee:
3. Mouf :peachmelee::dkmelee:
4. Kailo :foxmelee::sheikmelee:
5. Strawhat :falconmelee::marthmelee:
5. Dawn:falcomelee::foxmelee:
7. Pawl:ganondorfmelee:
7. NK:substitute:
9. Noc:falconmelee:
9. Kei$:falconmelee:
9. JonJon:foxmelee:
9. Worth:falconmelee::marthmelee:
13. Jedi Jake:falcomelee:
13. Popertop:peachmelee:
13. Sunflash:marthmelee:
13. Dojo | Blindspot:sheikmelee::foxmelee:
17. Prodigy:falcomelee:
17. Dojo | Gimme:icsmelee:
17. Dojo | Mohz:falcomelee:
17. Dojo | Sourdough:foxmelee::falcomelee:
17. Mr. Popo:substitute:
17. Minymidge:foxmelee::ganondorfmelee:
17. GS | Opaque1:substitute:
17. Sunny:foxmelee:
25. Brandolph:marthmelee:
25. Brad?:ganondorfmelee::sheikmelee:
25. CSAdidas21:substitute:
25. Augs:foxmelee:
25. Nixon:falcomelee:
25. Frogman:icsmelee:
25. AzureFlame:substitute:
25. Chaz:substitute:
33. Mr. Prince:substitute:
33. Dojo | #Rekt:peachmelee:
33. Blake:substitute:
33. Koncept:substitute:
33. Noob:luigimelee::jigglypuffmelee:
33. Snides:luigimelee:
33. Drumsticks
33. unpronuncyashun:foxmelee:

Melee Doubles (11 teams)
1. The Illuminati (Jake13+Dawn):falcomelee::marthmelee::foxmelee:+:foxmelee::falcomelee:
2. Kei$+Gameguys | Mojo:falconmelee:+:foxmelee::falcomelee::falconmelee:
3. Popertop+Kailo:peachmelee:+:foxmelee::sheikmelee:
4. JonJon+JediJake:foxmelee:+:falcomelee:
5. Mouf+Sunflash:peachmelee:+:marthmelee:
5. Blindspot+Sourdough:foxmelee::sheikmelee:+:foxmelee::falcomelee:
7. 3D (Brad?+Minymidge):ganondorfmelee:+:ganondorfmelee:
9. Gimme+#Rekt:icsmelee:+:peachmelee:
9. Nixon+Mr.Popo:falcomelee:+:falconmelee::icsmelee:
9. CSAdidas21+Frogman

PM Singles (30 entrants)
1. Gameguys | Mojo:falcon::fox::lucario::sonic:
2. MeleeScrub4Lyfe aka Jake13:fox::falco:
3. Strawhat:falcon:
4. Axxo:wario::dk2::ivysaur:
5. NK:ness2:
5. Kailo:fox:
7. Worth:marth::falcon::roypm:
7. Luck:marth::mario2::roypm:
9. Kei$:falcon:
9. Mouf:dk2::peach:
9. k0mb0rush:mewtwopm:
9. Minymidge:fox::ganondorf:
13. Dskro:zerosuitsamus:
13. Brad?:ganondorf:
13. Mr. Popo:popo::falcon:
13. GS | Potato:substitute:
17. Augs:kirby2:
17. King:ness2::kirby2:
17. #Rekt:peach:
17. Noob:luigi2::jigglypuff:
17. GS | Sen:substitute:
17. Bomboblast:substitute:
17. GS | Drown:substitute:
17. Jon:substitute:
25. Snides:luigi2:
25. GS | Roboshaw:substitute:
25. Mr. Prince:substitute:
25. Mew:substitute:
25. $:substitute:
25. GS | Opaque1:substitute:

PM Doubles (10 teams)
1. NK+Strawhat:ness2:+:falcon:
2. Kei$+Gameguys | Mojo:lucario:+:lucario::falcon::fox:
3. The Illuminati (spelled backwards) (Jake13+Dawn):falco:+:fox::marth:
4. Axxo+Kailo:dk2::wario:+:fox:
5. Mouf+Augs:peach::dk2:+:kirby2:
5. k0mb0rush+Noob:mewtwopm::luigi2::jigglypuff:
7. Pinata Taxidermy (Popertop+Worth):pikachu2::metaknight:+:falcon::marth::roypm:
7. 3D (Brad?+Minymidge):ganondorf:+:ganondorf:
9. GS | Potato+GS | Drown:substitute:+:substitute:
9. GS | Sen+GS | Opaque:substitute:+:substitute:


Any help filling in Singles and Doubles is much appreciated. Not necessarily needed but appreciated nonetheless. I can edit in anything I missed, which as you see is a fair amount.

Event Page: http://smashboards.com/threads/feb-7-2015-smash-the-dojo-1-the-woodlands-texas.387407/
Houston Melee: https://www.facebook.com/groups/HoustonMelee/
Houston PM: https://www.facebook.com/groups/272546922941606/
Challonge brackets
Melee Singles: http://challonge.com/Dojo1MeleeSingles
Melee Doubles: http://challonge.com/Dojo1MeleeDubs
PM Singles: http://challonge.com/Dojo1PMSingles
Pm Doubles: http://challonge.com/Dojo1PMDubs

Shoutouts below!


Smash Apprentice
Mar 11, 2013
Houston Texas
Great tourney with awesome players. Melee is so fun I don't even think I want to play Sm4sh anymore :/


Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2010
Kingwood, TX
Great tourney with awesome players. Melee is so fun I don't even think I want to play Sm4sh anymore :/
I'm never playing smash with you again. HOW DARE YOU! I'm finding me a new Sm4sh doubles partner.
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