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Smash team league thing


Smash Apprentice
Nov 21, 2012
Hi all thought of an idea that I thought might be fun…………a Smash team league thing ! Kinda similar to pro sports (nba, nfl etc). My initial thinking was that there would be a pool of players (hopefully around 25 or more) and several individuals would be captains of a team (thinking around 3-5 people per team).The remain pool of players would be drafted by the captains (order determined by captains voting on other captains skills)Once the teams are finalized, it proceeds like a sports league, Teams vs One another, for that each player on each team would play each member of the opposing team. A game between teams would be 2/3, with wins and loses in each game being tallied and rankings between the teams forming. A game could have a week deadline or so. A playoff system would follow once all teams play each other. Also I realize tournaments have length issues so individuals could play one another in any order it would just need to be organized and kept track.

I think maybe I saw this on smashboards or somewhere but am subconsciously passing it off as my own idea lol, so sorry if that’s the case.

Let me know if this sounds interesting or ideas or stuff.


lord narwhal

Smash Apprentice
Jul 26, 2013
Raleigh, NC.
wow duck this is an excellent idea, I am very proud of it.

but seriously though this is pretty awesome, like 64 crew battles except even cooler. I imagine it'll be tough getting the player pool required, but would love for it to work out.


Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2013
Orlando, FL
My initial thinking was that there would be a pool of players (hopefully around 25 or more) and several individuals would be captains of a team (thinking around 3-5 people per team).The remain pool of players would be drafted by the captains
oh boy sounds like i would get to re-live my middleschool days of getting picked last in kickball all over again! woohoo!


Smash Apprentice
Nov 21, 2012
oh boy sounds like i would get to re-live my middleschool days of getting picked last in kickball all over again! woohoo!

lol well if it got to that point, picking and assigning teams would be done privately to avoid hurt feelings.
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