AGC- All Gamers Club
Smash Rookie
All Gamers Club Inc. presents... Smash n' Passion!

Every Monday, Starting from 7/11, All Gamers Club, Inc. will be hosting a Smash 4 tournament at 7:00 PM. The tournament rules are posted at the bottom of this post.
***When you pay for the event entry, please remember to tell the store clerk or TO your name/tag. If you do not, you will not be entered into the bracket.***
Entry Fee: $5
Venue Fee: None if you are attending the event ONLY.
All Gamers Club, Inc.
2240 N Center St, Hickory, NC 28601
***Please bring a set-up if you are able, it will help the tournament run more smoothly. A set-up includes A Wii U, Smash 4 with the latest patch (1.1.6), Gamecube Controller Adapter, and relevant DLC (Mewtwo, Lucas, Roy, Ryu, Cloud, Corrin, Bayonetta, and Dreamland). Do not worry about bringing in a HDTV, the venue has plenty of HDTVs you may use.***
4:00 PM - 6:55 PM - Registration
7:00 PM - Tournament Commences
Rewards: < 32 people
1st: 35%
2nd: 25%
3rd: 10%
Rewards: < 16 people
1st: 40%
2nd: 25%
3rd: 10%
Rewards: 8-15 people
1st: 40%
2nd: 30%
3rd: 10% (reward will not go lower than $5)
Venue Policies:
- Outside food and drink is allowed, you will be required to cl.
- Treat the venue, the employees, and the customers with respect.
***Violation of Venue or Tournament Polices is grounds for possible disqualification or a ban from the series or venue at the discretion of the T.O. and/or venue owner.***
If you're interested in signing up then please input your name here, pre-registering isn't necessary but it will make our job easier.
--==[ GENERAL RULES ]==--
All ejections or disqualifications due to violations of the Code of Conduct or individual game rules will be without refund.
The TOs reserve the right to deny entry into the tournament to any player suspected of committing anything considered a crime or acting in a manner that is detrimental to the integrity of the event,
No fighting or weaponry inside the venue. Throwing controllers or acting in such a way that could pose a danger to other players will result in disqualification from the event and possible eviction from the venue.
All disqualifications due to tardiness will be single-stage DQ's, meaning the offending player will be moved to the next lowest portion of the bracket.
Ex 1: Player A is late to their winner's side pools match. They will be DQ'd into loser's bracket.
Ex 2: Player C is late to their loser's side bracket match. They will be DQ'd from the loser's bracket, resulting in an elimination from the event.
All players are responsible for reading and understanding the tournament's Rule Sets and Code of Conduct. Failure to familiarize one's self with these items will not be considered a valid reason for breaching any of the listed rules.
No coaching is allowed mid-match. Coaching however is allowed between rounds/games for a solid minute.
Do not play your tournament matches until they have been called.
Report match results to the tournament organizer ASAP.
If your match is called and you are not there, you may be disqualified. We will try to be lenient with this, but we will not allow the tournament to stall because of one person.
In the event of a non agreed upon or inadvertent pause, the non-pausing player may elect how to 'punish' the non-authorized pause. This may be done the following ways:
- No Punish - Reset to neutral position
No Punish - Continue where characters are currently located
Stock Punish -Stock forfeit by the pausing player
- Grab based 'Suicide Moves' that result in a match end will be awarded to the initiator. These moves include:
Kirby & King DeDeDe swallowcide
Suicide throws such as ROB's U-throw
- All other moves that have spiking hitboxes (Ike/Cloud/Kirby Up+B's for example) that could potentially kill both players will default to the results displayed on the game screen.
Amiibo’s are banned.
Sudden Death with a tied percentage/stock count will NOT determine the outcome of a tied game. A playoff match with 1 stock/2 minutes will determine the winner.
Maximum allowed time between games is 60 seconds. Any player violating this rule will be issued a loss.
A 30 second Hand Warmer is permitted prior to the first match only. This is to determine that the players' tags & control setups are correct, as to determine if the setups lag/latency is acceptable for match play. After thirty seconds, players will be instructed by a TO or Pool Captain to end the hand warmers and begin play. Failure to do so will result in a stock loss by the offending player.
Mii Fighters are legal.
Only 1111 loadouts are allowed.
Miis are to be default height / weight, using the default A-F standard sized guest Miis provided on console.
If a setup does not have Mii fighters created with the correct loadout using guest Miss, notify a TO immediately.
No other equipment, outfits, hats, or accessories are permitted. Players are not allowed to transfer Miis to a setup.
No excessive stalling.
- There are many examples of stalling, but the most notable is extending infinites past 300%. If a player plans to use a tactic that may be considered stalling, it is advised to confirm with a TO as to its legality. Forcing a time out is not considered stalling.
- Any action that makes the game unplayable as intended is banned. Common glitches include (but are not limited to):
Making a character invisible
Making a character unable to be hit / interacted with
Anything that may trigger a game freeze, crash, or otherwise make the game unplayable
There are glitches that can be triggered accidentally, such as Bowser Jr.'s ClownCar glitch. If such a glitch is encountered, pause the game and contact a TO immediately.
Gamecube Controller, Classic Controller, Wii U Pro Controller, Wiimote, Wii U Gamepad, 3DS
Players using wireless controllers are responsible for desyncing their controllers from the setup they most recently played on. A failure to do so that results in a delay in match play will receive a warning for the first occurrence, and a DQ for the second occurrence.
First stage is decided by (Rock Paper Scissors). Winner strikes the first stage, loser strikes the second stage, then both players play on the remaining stage.
When counterpicking, all Omega Stages are attached to Final Destination (if Final Destination is banned, Omega Stages are banned).
MiiVerse may be substituted for Battlefield if both players consent; if one is banned during the striking or counterpicking process, the other is as well.
A neutral start may be requested by either player prior to final stage selection.
Gentleman's Clause: Any tournament legal stage may be played on at any time if both player's agree to it.
Stage bans are in effect for single matches only. A player may select a stage that they have previously banned.
Dave's Stupid Rule (DSR) is in effect.
You may not choose a stage you have already won on unless mutually agreed to.
3 Stocks, 8 Minutes, Items set to OFF
Custom Fighters / Equipment set to OFF
Final Destination
Dream Land 64
Town & City
Lylat Cruise
Duck Hunt
Any Omega Stage
3 Stocks, 8 Minutes, Items set to OFF
Custom Fighters / Equipment set to OFF
Final Destination
Dream Land 64
Town & City
Lylat Cruise
Duck Hunt
Any Omega Stage
** If you have any questions, Please comment down below and we will try and reply as quickly as possible. Thank you! **