Projects are given in the following listings:
Project Name - Leader, Team, Team, etc.
Directories are simply listings of more threads that are not necessarily in the Smash Lab. They will be updated as necessary but aren't really active or inactive.
Completed projects are completed and, besides the occasional update to prevent obsoletion, does not require further work and can be publicized.
Active projects are those that are not completed yet but being worked on.
Inactive projects are those that are not completed yet but there is no project leader or anyone contributing to the project any more. These projects can be taken up again by anyone provided it's important enough to finish.
SCOTU's Threads
Brawl Hacking
Standard Terms List - SCOTU
Smash Lab Registry - SamuraiPanda
Brawl Terminology Renaming Project - SamuraiPanda, SCOTU
Tutorial Video Creation Project - SamuraiPanda
Character Research Project
Project Outline - SamuraiPanda
Suggestions - SamuraiPanda
Knockback Formula and Values - SCOTU
Frame Data - SCOTU
Data Normalization - SamuraiPanda, SCOTU
Project Name - Leader, Team, Team, etc.
Directories are simply listings of more threads that are not necessarily in the Smash Lab. They will be updated as necessary but aren't really active or inactive.
Completed projects are completed and, besides the occasional update to prevent obsoletion, does not require further work and can be publicized.
Active projects are those that are not completed yet but being worked on.
Inactive projects are those that are not completed yet but there is no project leader or anyone contributing to the project any more. These projects can be taken up again by anyone provided it's important enough to finish.
SCOTU's Threads
Brawl Hacking
Standard Terms List - SCOTU
Smash Lab Registry - SamuraiPanda
Brawl Terminology Renaming Project - SamuraiPanda, SCOTU
Tutorial Video Creation Project - SamuraiPanda
Character Research Project
Project Outline - SamuraiPanda
Suggestions - SamuraiPanda
Knockback Formula and Values - SCOTU
Frame Data - SCOTU
Data Normalization - SamuraiPanda, SCOTU