So this is my first time doing this but I will probably do it again in the future. During my cramming for my upcoming linux certification I decided to write a shell script that would reach out to twitch/vgbootcamp every 5 minutes and call the game being played and the current viewers. I only just started tracking viewer counts however this seems pretty decent for a tournament outside the mega evo events. It also seems like good growth, I vaguely recall HTC getting like 50k for finals.
Smash second most watched only falling behind LOL:
Saturday Viewers:
Sunday Viewers: (I think stream died right during sm4sh grand finals, didn't get 2-3 api calls during that time)
Smash second most watched only falling behind LOL:
Saturday Viewers:
Sunday Viewers: (I think stream died right during sm4sh grand finals, didn't get 2-3 api calls during that time)