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Smash Bros on drugs :<

mighty bean

Smash Cadet
Feb 13, 2015
Long Island, NY
I have Attention Deficit Disorder, and as such I am prescribed medication (Vyvanse, for those who are wondering) to help me pay attention. This type of medication is highly abused; the drug of choice on any campus you throw a dart at on the map. So it goes without saying that I have a responsibility to use my medication strictly for its intended purpose. Ever since I was a kid, I would only use it for school. But back then my needs were different. I literally could not function to a satisfactory level in elementary school without it. Naturally, as I matured into the adult I am today, I learned to deal with my disorder and now have much more control over my mental faculties. But I kept taking my medication all the way through college in order to alleviate the inhibitions that ADD brings, as per its intended use.

And every day after I came home from college, I would sit down and play Smash Bros. And I was good at it.

I used to have so much fun playing the game; stomping people on FG with my low-tier mains and practicing advanced techs with Peach in the lab, I used to think I was so hot that I could win tournaments. Eventually, the semester ended, and I resolved to give up video games until I found myself a job. I went about two months with no medication and no SSB practice, so it's only natural that there would be some rust after picking it back up.

But the rust is worse than I anticipated. I don't think taking a bath in WD-40 could have gotten me back up to speed. After getting a job, I had decided to try working without my medication, just to see if I can. And that's going well enough; I think I don't need it to do my job well. Fast forward to me finding and entering my first tournament. I came in dead last. That's okay, I wasn't salty about it. But I was disappointed. I had fun just playing and socializing with other people who were enthusiastic about the game, but I didn't get any better at the game as a result. I didn't learn anything. And I haven't been able to improve since then.

I believe that I simply can't be good at Smash Bros without my medication. I don't want to use it to just to play video games, because I believe that would be an abuse of the substance. And I don't want to use work as an excuse to use it because I find it just as shameful, seeing as I haven't really needed it since college. But when I play Smash Bros, I just can't bring out 100% of my ability. I can't think. I'll always struggle to come up with a plan between matches, and when it's game time, I'll just zone out and let my hands take over until I lose. I just can't do it anymore. I've lost my touch, and I don't think getting it back is worth drug abuse.

I don't want to take it anymore, but Smash Bros just isn't that much fun anymore, knowing how good I used to be. I'm in a rut that I can't seem to get out of. I guess I'm posting this just because I wanted to vent. I just want to share how I feel about having fallen so low in terms of ability. Maybe some of you are in a similar slump, maybe some of you will feel better knowing that you don't suck as badly as I do. I don't know. It just feels good to have it off my chest. If anyone has any advice, I would love to hear it. And if you have a similar story I would be glad to lend an ear.

TL;DR I brain problems not git gud


Will Thwack You At 0%
Mar 20, 2015
I don't feel like I'll get anywhere with competitive Smash, so I switched over to competitive Splatoon. It's team orientated, and that's my style. Point being, don't waste your time on something you think you aren't or won't be good at. Try finding some other things to do instead until you hit gold.


Smash Cadet
Oct 22, 2015
Frizz speaks truth. Sometimes, you need to realize that even though you want to participate and play smash, you aren't where you were and possibly never getting back there.

Don't worry though, that's perfectly natural.

My advice is this:
You play smash as a hobby. Keep it as such.

Just because you struggle now doesn't mean you will.
Play casually and you'll see yourself improve to a point where you know you can get better, not just feel it.

For a somewhat more in-depth:
Your brain chemistry and pathways are altered with when a new chemical constant is involved.
While on your ADD medication you were able to focus, react, and think quicker on singular tasks.
That obviously correlates with video games.
During this time period of, I'll say 3 years, while you took this daily medication; your brain essentially trained your itself to act and think "normally" under its constant exposure.
Not all, but some of the information learned during that time might seem and feel out of place. Because your brain chemistry is different and has some trouble getting back there without your medication.
It will really just take time for you to return to former glory as long as you don't take it too extensively.

Doing so(extensively) would probably have 1 out of 3 outcomes.

1. You relearn how to play, it's good, but not the same way you played before. A new playstyle
2. You burn yourself out and become so frustrated you lsoe all love and enjoyment for your goal and begin to despise it until you realizee you're wasting your time.
3. and EXTREMELY unlikely IMHO, You return to the way you were.
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