Brawl was bigger and perhaps more well-crafted - this time the fighters decided to set it on an island separate from their own dimensions, in order to prevent ways to have their dimensions being taken. At this point the fighters were able to turn into trophies themselves at will. (But later on this playing around it would come back to them as they still were vulnerable to become wholly one, no soul.)
However, in midst of the tournament's start, presence of Primids and Space Bugs sended many on confusion and turmoil. (Essentially reasons for
'mindless' fighting.
The tournament had to be taken down while the fighters (old and new), set out to discover what was behind the invasion, leading to Subspace Emissary's events. )
- DK and Diddy brought their Banana Hoard to the island in order to have a constant supply of food and something to boast about to the tournament.
- TP Zelda met the spirit of OOT Zelda in form of Sheik's phantom. OOT Zelda pleaded her to lend herself to TP Zelda in order to save her world and continuity. TP Zelda accepted, absorbing in Sheik's spirit, thereby being able to become Sheik whenever she wanted.
- Red's Pokemon were freed by Subspace Minions, forcing Red to recapture them again.
- Lucas found out that Porky managed to land on Island of Ancient. Same for Ness.
After defeating Taboo, all the fighters rejoined, and found what was (mostly) truce. They build up the whole tournament from the ground-up, but now knowing that no threats wouldn't be around and Master Hand not willing to control the fighters for his liking anymore, it builded up really well and became one of the most festive Tournaments.