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Smash Bros. All Smash Battle Animation


Smash Cadet
May 13, 2008
Just looking for some tips on an upcoming independent project that I would like to work on. I'm an animation major looking to put a little spice in the entertainment of Smash Bros. Here are the requirements for the project I would like to fulfill:

Realism: Gravity, injuries, fatigue, the works. The movie (Which will probably be short, as I have little Flash experience), will be much like one of those fight scenes in a movie; Falco will not be doing the same shuffle over and over with a Puff trying to wall of pain, or any of the other typical smash. I want it to be as epic as possible in an artistic environment.

1v1 Death Match: Two characters will be chosen to fight each other in a death match on the chosen stage. Whether or not I decide to make this into a Knockout Match instead or show the death is reserved for the planning phase of the project.

Interesting Stage: The battle will take place on an INTERESTING stage, that I can work with artistically to make the battle much more interesting. (e.g. FD doesn't have much to work with, but stages like Shadow Moses and Kongo Jungle have amazing potential.) I'll try to use as many features of the stage as possible in the fight.

Sorry to rant, it's really just an idea, but I'm a bit ambitious when it comes to art projects. In short, I need one thing from anyone who might read this: Feedback. Characters, stages ideas, reasoning for such preferences, etc. I want this project to be well received by all. I'll probably be adding information later on as I think of new things.

Thanks so much!
-Feather, Blade Breakers


Smash Cadet
May 13, 2008
Snake v. Mewtwo is muh matchup ya butt. But yes, that sounds amazing. You think the environment is interesting enough though? It's mostly pixelated.


Smash Rookie
Dec 19, 2008
Costa Mesa, CA
Doesn't have to be.. you can detail it a la Mushroomy Kingdom.
And make the piranha plants hella fierce. :0
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