I get where everyone is coming from, believe me i do, but shield dropping is perfectly fine atm.
Already much easier than Melee or Brawl, so much to the point where Ive heard decent Melee players say they do it on accident... and I agree since I do it as well. If you really find shiled dropping that useful, im not saying that its not, then take the time to learn how to do it. I find wavedashing harder and I think wavedashing is dumb easy, but thats just me. Point is that its already easy enough that anyone, regardless of how good your controller is, can do them with a few days of practice.
Remember when you (not anyone here in particular just in general) first started out and you had to learn how to tilt, could one just say there should just be a tilt option cuz some tilts are very rewarding but are too technical, you just had to practice them. Shield dropping almost is the same thing, just use almost that same tilt but roll vertically down... it will shield drop.
But then again I can see how this argument of shield dropping made easier is similar to auto-lcancel. If shield dropping is the best option why would i not want to shield drop?, and why is it so hard. Regarding lcancelling, you either do or you dont... thats it. Shield dropping is different you have options, shield drop, jump, roll, spotdodge, up-b oos, usmash oos, wd oos. I understand that shield dropping is probably the most rewarding due to its oos speed and a way to get out of a bad situation the fastest, but thats where the practice comes in... both learning HOW to do it, and WHEN to do it.
I'm just so sick of people complaining about their inability to perform tech skill. It was handed to no one.
Omg this^. Being a very technical player myself, I know that you dont need tech skill to be good at this game. But having control over your character in general will be enough, you dont need to learn how to shield drop. Look how many top players do it in Melee, from what Ive seen Armada is the only "God" of Melee who does it, and look how the others are doing... still very well.