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Smash 4 < Project M

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Phendrana Drifts

Smash Journeyman
Jan 23, 2014
So smash 4 is out now and my friends have pretty much abandoned PM. I was kicking their asses at it too. But in this new smash samus is complete GARBAGE, like bottom tier and I still woop their asses with her(dat back air). She cant missle cancel, she cant turn around in the air, she cant even shoot backwords. But most saddening of all is no one can wave dash or Lcancel. That's unforgivable and just ****ing so boring. Its basically a slighlty sped up brawl with better graphics. That's the only reason ppl play it. Better HD graphics, not gameplay. It takes ****ing forever to kill someone, recoveries are ridiculous, its basically a game for children who've never held a controller in their hands.

I went over to my friends place who doesnt have wii-u with a controller. Lets play some PM I suggested. He told me to come over tommorow when his other friend was gonna bring over Smash 4. smh.

I know the PM team said they had no plans to "take over" smash 4 but trust me you guys need to hack the wii-u and fix that **** for the sake of competitive players and the future of competitive smash. Its basically brawl all over again with Rosalina as metaknight and a few other contenders like shiek, sonic, and zero-suit samus. Do what needs to be done, we are all thinking it.
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