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~Sm4sh Journal~


Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
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12/20/11, 8:30:
[COLLAPSE="VIO Chapter 1: Pencil Risen"]
Welcome to the Sm4sh Journal. My name is… Ah, no. I shall inform you of my codename. It’s Viotini, my new Smash Name.

One of the greatest things about the SSB series is the flavor of characters, stages, and music arrangements. I cannot compare Street Fighter, the “Versus” series (Marvel VS Capcom), or even the upcoming Title Fight game, which I obviously haven’t played. Smash Bros. will continue to be one of my favorite fighting games, so long as they keep going. ~Viotini

Sm4sh: The Announcement.

A long time ago, people were saying stuff like, “Oh! There won’t be a new Smash bros. It’s over!” Well, good news: They were wrong. Super Smash Bros for the Nintendo 3DS and Wii U was announced at Nintendo's 2011 E3 presentation. Iwata was the man who announced this glory, and sparked hype and action. But now, we have an issue: It’ll be awhile, because it’s not even in the creation yet. So, we’re waiting for Kid
Icarus: Uprising for the 3DS to come out.


So, while we’re waiting, action was occurred, and flame wars have started. Here are a few examples:
Victini VS Zoroark
Young Link VS Toon Link
Toad VS Waluigi

It’s already apparent that the early release of Smash Bros 4 was to start hype. It’s to get the fans excited, but these wars turn ugly, sometimes. Thank god it’s just a game. But some cases (Geno, Tingle, or Ridley) can get annoying, or trollful (Just made that word up, hope you like it!). They haven’t appeared then, and who knows if they will now. I won’t be surprised if they don’t. So in short…

“Stop Whining.” ~Arnold Schwarzenegger

With all the massive hype, it’s clear that people WILL buy this game. Am I telling you otherwise? Hell no, you better buy it (unless it’s bad).
One of the things mentioned was RPG action. Is the new Pokemon game an example..? Who knows, but that sort of set up for Smash Bros. could prove difficult, but fun.

There has also been talk of a character revamping action. What this means is that you can make your brawlers know different moves. This could be the first step to custom character creation, which I’ve supported for years.

So, in simple terms: We haven’t received any news on Sm4sh, nor will we for a while now. The rumored news announcing is January-February, but don’t hold your breath. The early announcing of Sm4sh also has sparked flame/fan wars and recreational “Sakurai Crowning”, which means making Movesets, stages, and music suggestions for fun, while proving a point to show how it could work, and how it might happen.
So, safely, we CAN say that there are 4 characters that will return. They are Mario, Pikachu, Link, and Kirby. We can’t safely say that characters, like Ice Climbers and G&W, will return because with new times comes new changes. Does this mean DK will fade with them? No, but that logic is the same with everyone, so Ice Climbers and G&W still have a chance, but not for the skin of your teeth.

12/22/11, 7:02
Before we begin, I'd like to announce that I have friends who're helping me with this journal. They're names are PikaBolit and Sasusa. From now on, they'll be using my account to write down their piece of the journal. So in short, new faces, and the chapters will have initials. Vio is me, Pikabolit is PBT, and Sasusa is SAU.
[COLLAPSE="VIO Chapter 2: Fandom Gone Wrong"]
I can't stress this enough. Idk how many times I've seen this happen. But what, exactly, am I talking about? I'll explain.
Some kid was talking about how he'd like to see Crash Bandicoot get into Sm4sh. Well, another guy said, and I quote:
That's stupid. If Crash got in, it would ruin the entire game.
This quote is enough to start a fan battle, depending on the situation. The kid argues back that Crash is a popular figure, and has potential for Sm4sh. The other argues back, saying Crash is a 3rd party, and Sm4sh doesn't need anymore 3rd Parties. And then the cycle continued, until they started swearing at each other, then name calling, and finally kicked off the server. (Pokemon Online).
So, in short, calm the **** down! Lol, let people's arguements come out first. Example:
He says he wants Crash. You should say:
It doesn't sound like a good idea. Why do you want him in Sm4sh?
Please note that I'm not stating that it always ends that way, but this alone is enough to prevent an arguement. Plus it's respectful. Remember, you may be behind a keyboard, but the frustration still gets to you. If I had a quarter for every single time I've seen this. Well, most of the money would be because of myself Lol... But I've realized what I was doing, and hope you do too.

(I'm very tired right now, so if this makes no sense, please lemme know, so I can fix it Lol)
12/23/11, 9:31
[COLLAPSE="PBT Chapter 3: Endless Possiblilties have Limits"]
My name is PikaBolit, and would like to thank VIO for letting me use his account, because I don't have a computer, or an email... Of course XD
So, I want to talk about Characters. We have a bunch of choices, like Toad, Tetra, Raichu, etc. and they are all possible. But even though there are so many choices, there's a limit towards how many characters can actually get in.
Ok, so say we have, oh... a set number of reps per series, depending on what series it is. So, let's dream that Mario has 5 reps, Pokemon has 5, and LoZ has 5. Would this work? That's the question. So, let's try to fit characters into the catagories, shall we?
Mario, Luigi, Peach, Bowser, *Toad*
Pokemon: Pikachu, *PKMN Trainer 2nd Gen* (Vio inspired), Deoxys, Lucario, *Victini* (Vio made me vote for him XD)
LoZ: Link, Ganondorf, Zelda/Shiek, Toon Link, Young Link (Wtf is a Skyward Sword, now?)
So, just a rough draft of an example of fitted characters. The Pokemon one would make me happy if it were true, so long as I see Deoxys lol But here's the message I'm getting to. Some characters do NOT fit the sm4sh scene. Not smAsh, Sm4sh. So, we could rule out Young Link/Toon Link, Deoxys, and to some point, due to Peach, Toad.
Does this mean they have no chance? Ehh... no. So, when voting for a character, have these things in mind:
1. Some spots are taken by hoggers, such as Pikachu, Mario, and Link.
2. 5 reps is good for any series, yet depends on which series you're giving reps to.
3. Is the character a pop out from it's game/series?
4. Will it rep just like another character? (Paper Mario, Shadow Mario, Mario)

Just a few things to keep in mind. BTW, if I were Sakurai, I'd remove some characters, like Jiggly and Ice Climbers, just for the sake of space. This was Pikabolit, over and out.

1/9/12, 2:52

[COLLAPSE="PBT: Night's Edge"]
Been awhile :bee:
So, me and Vio were looking at Hurt/Hit Boxes together, and this is something I'd like to see: The sharpness of Melee.

Perhaps a sword sliced won't always hit. maybe Ness ducked just in time. Things so little can affect just how the battle will end. We want better Hurt/Hit boxes in Sm4sh, is what we're saying. Brawl kinda lost track, but we're hoping for more of the best from Sakurai.

~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC

Well done summing the hype of this title in one article. I really wish this game's gonna just do improvement mostly, since Brawl had few setbacks compared to Melee.


Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place

Well done summing the hype of this title in one article. I really wish this game's gonna just do improvement mostly, since Brawl had few setbacks compared to Melee.
I've done this sort of thing with Brawl. Might as well carry the tradition here, in Smashboards, with the new Sm4sh.

For now, this is all I'll talk about, but I'll be sure to entertain more within the following month (After Christmas, to be exact) and hammer home on the Fan Wars. If players here want to eat the information or not, the fan wars are NOT helping, and need, to the very least, tone down a bit. God on the earth truth. I've seen, in Brawl's time, people just quit just because no one's agreeing with what they have to say. I'll admit, I've done it before, but not to the extent of what I've seen (Not just here, but other places).

So to the extent, I'll be discussing...
The Fan Wars: Digital fandom gone wrong.
I'll be sure to type it out. The reason why this fits in this journal is because Sm4sh has HUGE hype, and with the release of some information coming, we need to take a step back, and realize people have feelings. These damned wars do hurt, as well. I haven't really explain it much, now, but the next article will.
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