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Atlantic South Sm4sh Haven!!

Sm4sh Haven!!
Posted by doublec72
Sage Mantis Game Haven
Friday, November 20, 2015 - 05:00 PM
Until: Friday, November 20, 2015 - 11:00 PM
(Adjusted for timezone: America/New_York)

Upcoming dates
All times have been adjusted for the timezone: America/New_York

This event has expired and has no upcoming dates


Smash Cadet
Apr 12, 2015
Fredericksburg, Virginia
Switch FC
*2 stage bans for Bo3 sets, 1 for Bo5 sets
*Loser's Semis and all finals are now Best of 5
*If you are not present for your match, you will be disqualified

Did you have a rough week? Unwind and get SMASHED every Friday night here and win cash!

Come on down to Sage Mantis Game Haven and enjoy a tournament featuring Super Smash Bros. for Wii U!

Venue/entry fees are $5/$5 per person, so don't forget that if you don't want to enter the tournament, you can still pay $5 to play friendlies all night! May include doubles if there is enough demand and if time allows. Show up at 5ish, 6pm start time.

*Bring your own controller, the Wii U Gamepad is not a legal controller
*No Stalling
*No coaching
*If you pause mid-match (On purpose or otherwise) you forfeit a stock, subject to TO or opponents discretion
*3 stock, 8 minutes
*If a match goes to time, the in game Sudden Death mode is ignored and the match will go to whomever has the highest stock count. If both players have the same stock count, the player with the lowest percentage wins.
*All Characters including DLC characters are allowed
*You may not counterpick a stage that you have won on in the same set, however this is overridden by Gentleman's clause (See below)
*Gentleman's clause is in effect: Any stage, (including ones not listed below,) may be played on, as long as both players agree to it
*All sets are best of 3, excluding Loser's semis, losers finals winners finals and Grand finals, which are best of 5
*Payout will be 60%/30%/10% for 1st-3rd place respectively, is subject to change due to number of entrants

Starter Stages:
Final Destination/Omega Stage
Town & City
Dreamland 64

Counterpick Stages (2 stage bans for best of 3 sets, 1 ban for best of 5 sets):
Lylat Cruise
Delfino Plaza
Castle Siege
Duck Hunt


Smash Rookie
Oct 19, 2015
So me and some of my friends are interested in coming to the tournament but we won't get there until around 5:30 because of our class schedule. By that time, will we still be able to register and enter the tournament or can we just sign up early?
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