Ok so I have many problems, each of which I have found a workaround for, but I cannot combine all the workarounds due to the nature of the problems. So solving any one of these problems should be enough.
1) I cannot open any COPIES of gct files. I guess Windows changes the extension somewhere without telling me?
2) Opening the original 3.5 pm gct works, but all of the code lines have an * and a space before them, preventing it from compiling.
3) The code I am trying to add (not the Castle Siege code) has YYYY and XXXX in it, which are not hex values. I am supposed to change these to the hex values for the songs I want to cycle from and to. I have tried doing so, but it has not worked. I also don't know how to include all 4 menu songs in such a list, as one of them is not consecutive.