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silly wolf combo on taller characters.


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny
Ok, you're not going to get this off on a human opponent, but it is a true combo and it does look quite cool.

step 1: jump towards any opponent who's taller than Mario and use an Uair so that you hit them with just the back of wolf's claw. The lower to the ground that you do this, the better.

step 2: if you did it right, the opponent does have enough hitstun for you to quickly double jump and footstool them. Make sure to do a short footstool.

step 3: a footstooled opponent who hits the ground can't tech, and Wolf is a fast faller. Quickly come down and hit the opponent with a Diar, popping them back up again. If you did it fast enough, they won't have a chance to roll away.

step 4: the combo actually ends here, but now you can follow up with another Uair or an Utilt/Usmash if you're feeling lucky. But all your other attacks can be air dodged/attacked.

This is very hard and very impractical, and only works on opponents at very low percents, so it's not worth it. But honestly, it looks very cool.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
The u-air actually combos into a lot of things for a very wide range of percentages. For any character that is tall enough to be hit by the u-air, u can actually have a 2 hit killing combo where u u-air and then double jump quickly to do a f-air to kill them. (ie. for pit, u can kill him when he's at 100-103%. try it in training mode)
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