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Shin_Sello's problem Thread

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Smash Rookie
Dec 17, 2011
First of all, I wasn't sure, if this is the right section, if not, the Admins are free to delete/move this Thread...

Well Hello ^^
First of all, I'm a PAL User and not a NTSC User for your information...
I started about a month ago with Brawl hacking and did quite a lot in this time(I basically used every free minute I got for this...) I made a huge progress and everything is quite ok....

My Ness freezes my Game as soon as the Battle starts...
The funny thing is, my texture hacks are working, but the original Ness is broken...
I tried replacing the original Texture with a new FitNess00, but it still crashes...
Also I got a problem with Captain Falcon in generel. As soon as the battle ends(going to the After Battle Screen), the game freezes.
If someone knows where the problem is, I'd really appreciate help ^^

There are some Characters, I would like to replace with, other(in my opinion) BETTER Characters...
The Characters are the following:
Mr Game & Watch -> Ike
King Dedede -> Megaman Zero
Olimar -> Ike
Ice Climbers -> Tsuna
Yoshi -> Sephiroth
The Problem is, that every of those files has a Module, so I can't use it(since the modules are NTSC and I am a PAL User). If anyone knows how to change the code to PAL, or another method to use those Chars, it would be awesome.

Mr Game & Watch -> Ike:

King Dedede -> Megaman Zero:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAxkQypTgek (in der Beschreibung ist der DL Link)

Olimar -> Ike:

Ice Climbers -> Tsuna:

Yoshi -> Sephiroth:

Does anyone know, which Attribute in the PSA is for the Character Size?

I'll update this Thread as soon as I got other questions problems etc. and/or if a problem is solved....

Greetings ^^
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