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Shady NPC's in the All-Star Event Matches. Modified NCPs?


Smash Rookie
Aug 4, 2017
Now first of, I would like to say that Smash 4 has been a blast. I did not get to own it myself until recently but I have been over at a buddies like 1-3 times a week since Smash 4 came just to play it. So when me and my GF finally scraped enough money together to get a Wii U and Smash 4, I was so happy. And ready to take on the solo challenges! I thought...

I went into Event Match, and being EXTREMELY cocky, I decided that "Fam, I will do all these on Hard, no Easy or Normal for me" and I am glad I wen't into it with that attitude since it was hella fun! I recall earlier when Smash 4 came, my buddy and some more told me about the solo events, how I should look forward to matches like "Yellow Devils" and "Galactic Avenger" and they were fun! It was hard and it was entertaining, everything I expected it to be! Then I ran into the "All-Star Battle: Regulars" and that too on hard was a nifty challenge yet FUN! Then came "New Challengers 1" and "All-Star Battle: Brawl" and suddenly the fun was thrown out the window. Not because these 2 events was any harder than usually, but it was ruined by the NPCs being Modified. Down bellow I will list all modifications I saw and my goal is to see if anyone else ran into similar issues.

Extra Launch Power: Most of the NPCs - ESPECIALLY Rosalina had an extreme increase in Launch Power. Me and my buddy even did a test later and we figured that pretty much all NPCs in these two challenges has been given increased launch rate on all attacks for unknown reasons. This was not the case in any of the other All-Star Event challenges.

Grabbing bypasses Smash Attacks: On numerous occasions I would to a Side-Smash attack, it would CONNECT with the NPC. but the NPC would just react with that white little "poof" circle - As if being immune to to the hit. (You know the one that comes when you hit a unit that can't take damage) and then instantly grab me. Where as this should have Launched or Flinched the NPCs, they just "immun-ed" it. And this immunity was ALWAYS followed by a grab.

Edge Grabbing: Multiple times I just would not edge grab. Don't know why. I just didn't grab hold.

Empowered attacks: Multiple of the NCPs had also an increase in how much % That was ramped up with certain attacks. In some cases this was barely noticeable but for some characters it was of the charts.

NPCs Programmed to 1HKO: This only applied to Little Mac (And sometimes Ike) If I reached either one of these with both lives left, they would just blast me of the map regardless of what attack they used, I would be sendt flying of the map at 0% VS Little Mac even tho he himself also was at 0% buy a regular tapped smash attack. Ike had a habbit of doing this too but not all the time.

Sudden Mood change: For the fun of it I tried to do these challenges over and over while using the same character again and again while using the same moves in the same order, and the NPCs had some drastic changes in their behavior. Pit and Charizard who kicks off the All-Star for Brawl was an extreme case for this. The one match they would wombo combo me all the time. The next they would split apart and do nothing but dodge all day for the third match to be changes up again by the one being SUPER Aggressive and the second one just really dodgy. This was evenly spread among the NPCs for each turn and it just ruined the immersion. As with All-Star Event: Regulars for instance - There was a ceiling to work towards since all the NPCs would just act like Hard Difficulty NPCs for each turn, but in the two mentioned Smash modes above, the NPCs would shift extremely in difficulty and behavior, removing that ceiling you are suppose to work toward.

The final icing on the cake: Then I finally realized what was going on, this happened but ONCE but it was enough for me to understand. This one turn I was able to launch Pit of the map but kinda straight forward and out, as he just BARELY did not die, he came back inn - And then he used his Special+Up which was the Breezy Flight, NOT the Power of Flight. These NPCs are CUSTOM MADE. The sudden increase and decrease in damage, how well it would launch me and why some special attacks "by-passed" ones that it should not be by-passed made sense. It seems as if each time you launch these 2 All-Star events, there is a random roll of the dice on how modified the NPCs will be. But why? This did not seem to be the case in the other All-Star events on Hard, just the 2 at question here, how come?

Now some will say I am crazy maybe, some will call me out for being a **** player and maybe even inspect my profile and see that I Mained Meta Knight in Brawl and instantly disregard my whole post as a result of that, but do so - Go ahead, all I wan't to know is how come they use random roll of the dice custom made NPCs for these 2 All-Star matches alone? To me it really broke the fun and having to resort to cheesing the matches to victory by using Ike in his shoddy maner in the one and Meta Knight with Special + Special+Down spam in the other one to win just ruined the fun. The other All-Stars were great! An awesome challenge with lots of fun. But to me that fun is gone when the skill ceiling is removed in favor for not having "Hard" be "Hard" but having "Hard" be "Custom designed NPCs that is anywhere from Hard to Intense"

So then, if anyone knows why they did this, please do tell.

If anyone thinks I am crazy and should go back to my cave with my Tin Foil hat, please do tell.

And for anything in between, please do tell.
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Smash Journeyman
May 17, 2017
i'm willing to bet they didn't want the challenge unlock for beating all star: secret on hard to be like just beating any other event on hard

still awful though


Smash Rookie
Aug 4, 2017
Like to do it for the New Challengers I get - Kinda... Since they are suppose to be new, strong and shiny. But it just came of as odd to me that they did this with just the one Newcomers All-Star and the Brawl one.

I would still vouch for that I had gone insane had I not seen that Pit use a custom move which made it all so much clearer too me.


Smash Lord
Sep 28, 2013
The little "poof" white circle when you try to smash attack the CPU is a powershield. By pressing shield the exact moment an attack connects you suffer no shield damage or lag, which allows the CPU to run up and grab you while you're still in the smash attack animation. They're not programmed to have reaction time.

If you aren't grabbing the ledge and you know you were close enough, you might have been holding down.


Smash Rookie
Aug 4, 2017
The little "poof" white circle when you try to smash attack the CPU is a powershield. By pressing shield the exact moment an attack connects you suffer no shield damage or lag, which allows the CPU to run up and grab you while you're still in the smash attack animation. They're not programmed to have reaction time.
I know about this, I just found it hard to belive that they managed this feat SO often, while also ALWAYS following it up with a grab. It only did ever happen when I was "close" too so they never had to close any small gap to get within grab range either. It just came of as odd to me that they managed this pretty much ALL the time.

If you aren't grabbing the ledge and you know you were close enough, you might have been holding down.
I know that sounds likely from my wording of it but that was not the case, I never hold down unless I know I will land on the platform. A detail I maybe should have added to that was that "not grabbing the edge" mostly happened on the left hand side of the map, and mostly in the Brawl Challenger event.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Well, the game allows you to use custom equipment, which changes your stats. It's not hard to believe the computers use them too.

It's actually pretty normal. You can even preset computers to have random equipment. It's simply just a programmed challenge design. And unlike other games, there's at least equipment to prove that these stat boosts aren't just pointless difficulty. They're legit to every possible player.
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