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SFC2 Results! 39 in Singles, 10 triples teams, and more results!


Smash Journeyman
Oct 2, 2014

Smash Fight Club 2 Results!
I'd like to thank everyone for bearing with the issues that came with hosting with this venue (Tournament Stars) for the first time. We lived through the power outtages, and prevailed throughout a lack of setups due to outlet issues. Most of all we all had a GREAT TIME. This was an awesome, fun event with HYPE triples, AMIIBO matches (shoutouts to my Shulk getting bodied any time I put him in the spotlight) and some solid singles matches. Singles didn't have as much hype as it deserved, but we will remedy this with future events as we get more projectors rolling.

Thank you EVERYONE that helped set up, i'm talking to you Muffin Man, Mawlerz, El Yoshi123, and more! Sorry its just 4:30am so if I don't mention anyone it is out of tiredness. BUT THANK YOU.

Here are the results! I'll leave it all in the open, no spoiler tags so its all out in the open with an awesome character filled post.

I am missing a few, so feel free to comment and I will edit them into this OP whenever I get the chance.

SINGLES 39 entrants (Challonge here too)

1st: Trela:4mewtwo:
2nd: Karna:4sheik:
3rd: Whispy:4diddy::4jigglypuff::4falcon:
4th: NK:4ness:

5th: BC:4villagerf:
5th: Cyanide:4tlink:

7th: Big Boss:4peach:
7th: Wenis:4luigi:

9th: Weegee:4mario:
9th: Zult:4pit:
9th: Stripher:4falcon:
9th: DeluxeMenu:4dk:

13th: Gamma:4dk:
13th: Ry:4zss:
13th: Expand Dong:4dk:
13th: Funny:4fox:

17th: Dan:4sheik:
17th: GreenSpark:4tlink::4luigi::4fox:
17th: DSkro:4zss:
17th: Fritz:4falcon:
17th: El Yoshi123:4yoshi:
17th: NapTime:4sonic:
17th: Beta:substitute:
17th: nWo:4sonic:

25th: OrcaStraw:4ness:
25th: Muffin Man:4peach:
25th: Doogle:substitute:
25th: LoudPack:substitute:
25th: Data:substitute:
25th: G-Wolf:substitute:
25th: Nemesis:4samus:
25th: Lilnest:4ness:

33rd: Melvenator:substitute:
33rd: Gonzo:substitute:
33rd: Shuck:substitute:
33rd: KoolKhris1:substitute:
33rd: Oscar M:4shulk:
33rd: Jaz:substitute:
33rd: Lando:substitute:

10 teams AKA 30 entrants! (Challonge here too)

1st: Krebs+BC+DJ Fliphop
2nd: Grand Finals (Trela+Dan+Karna)
3rd: Mew2King+Zero+Mango (LMAO Whispy+Stripher+GreenSpark)
4th: 420 Blazin' with a baby (Weegee+Mawlerz+NapTime/Muffin Man sub)
:4mario:+:4pikachu:+:4villager::4sonic: ->:4peach:

(Muffin Man subbed in due to NapTime having nap time)
5th: The Dong Expanding (HALP+Expand Dong+Lando)
5th: Zult+Jumbo+Deluxe

7th: Gunnerz (Nemesis+ohgodwhydoesmymemoryfailme)
7th: Team GreenSleeves (GS Sen+ GS Fuzz+ GS Potato)

9th: Crystal Otome (Crystal+Otome+Oscar M)
9th: Captain Linkario (ohgodwhydoesmymemoryfailmenow)

AMIIBO TOURNAMENT 20 amiibos (Challonge)

1st: Oscar's:4mario:
2nd: GreenSpark's:4mario:
3rd: Whispy's:4luigi:
4th: GreenSpark's:4falcon:
5th: Whispy's:4pit:
5th: BC's:rosalina:
7th: GreenSpark's:4kirby:
7th: Oscar's:4luigi:
9th: Stripher's:4falcon:
9th: Whispy's:4pikachu:
9th: Sen's:4bowser:
9th: Krebs's:4shulk: thoooooooooooooooooooooo
13th: Muffin Man's:4fox:
13th: OrcaStraw's:4megaman:
13th: DSkro's:4pikachu:
13th: Oscar's:4link:
17th: nWo's:4fox:
17th: Mawlerz's:4diddy:
17th: nWo's:4mario:
17th: nWo's:4diddy:
Project M 1v1 Results (12 Entrants)

1st: Mojo:fox::falcon:
2nd: Axxo:dk2::wario:
3rd: Phorcys:squirtle:
4th: BC:link2:
5th: Kei$:lucario:
5th: Snooklet:gw:
7th: Luck:marth:
7th: Trela:roypm:
9th: NapTime:marth:
9th: Sorren:substitute:
9th: GS_Potato:4pikachu:
9th: Bro:substitute:

Thank you everyone for coming out to the first tournament I have ever hosted at Tournament Stars! We'll see things get better and better because they used to host Call of Duty tournaments on projectors and are really excited to step back into the gaming scene (the owner himself is a gamer). BTW I talked to him and we will do our best to make sure power outages never happen again.

ALSO, we will look into utilizing the projectors with HDMI splitters (and long HDMI cables) so more hype matches can be available for everyone to watch.

I'm gonna dedicate this last part to thanking everyone for all of their kind words, good vibes, and donations after I found out my car got broken into. I found out that all of my stuff (expensive headset, full sm4sh setup, xbox360, 2 Gamecube controllers, spare hdmis, my favorite power splitter) was STOLEN. Not to mention the damn little window that is gonna be a (censored) to replace. My fault, sure, for leaving stuff in my car but I kept the 360 in there for my girlfriend and we kept forgetting to drop it off at her place.

I was really shaken up over it, but I kept my cool and hosted this thing for you guys, and i'm glad I did. Things are too boring with the usual school/work routine, you all brighten my day every time. Whether its with thanks, or trash talks, or neat little quips/anecdotes-

NK: Hey Gamma did you win your last match?

*Gamma turns around*
Gamma: Dude that's the first time you called me Gamma. That's weird.

NK: Yeah I know, wtf.

SFC3 is going to happen Sunday May 17th, 2015. It will be Sm4sh only with power handled better so we can have way more setups rolling. More details later. PM WILL go on, but at separate events. Still SFC brand, and with an amiibo side tourney because why not.

For any stranger tuning in from the internet, don't be one! Here are links to everything related to the Houston Smash Community.

Houston Smash 4 FB Group (713 members strong as of 5/4/2015)

Houston Smash Wii U SWF Thread

Team GreenSleeves Youtube Page
(Videos will be uploaded this week, after cutting footage)

Also if you are interested in the Katy Smash 4 scene
Here is the Katy Sm4sh League Facebook Group
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Smash Cadet
Nov 23, 2014
fun tourney, pretty good turn out and glad we were able to rack up some donations for krebs.

thanks for the games trela, karna, whispy, flip and whoever else I played. I still have a LOT of work before I can take you guys down in a set.

shoutouts to m2k zero and mango taking down trela karna and dan in winners 3v3 XD
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Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2008
Cypress, TX
Despite the problems with the power going off a few times and only a handful of set-ups to work with, it was still ran very well and was a great experience overall. Good games to everyone I played in both Smash 4 and PM. I apologize to anyone if I had come off as a little salty before, during or after our sets. I feel like I've been too hard on myself recently; I want to travel and compete against the rest of the world, but I'm never satisfied with my performances at our tournaments here in Houston. I don't think I'm good enough yet to truly take on and win against the best players out there.

Other than Singles, I was glad that I pulled myself together for my squad in 3v3 after getting destroyed by my worst nightmare in Winner's: 3 FALCONS. I lost 5 stocks within 3 minutes, I believe? My bag was put into a body and Karna and Dan were forced to carry it through Loser's, literally THE definition of getting bodybagged. The runback went much better than I expected, though, in LFs. But GFs? Oh mah lawdy. Probably the first time I felt helpless in Smash 4. BC and Krebs had a FIELD DAY while Fliphop created a wall of infinite Diddy tech as a means of protecting them. Like.......hello?

As for PM, it honestly felt pretty good to play again after missing out on it for a whole year. I'd love to consider attending more events for it, so we'll see. I'd still take priority over anything related to Smash 4, but playing PM yesterday was a great experience and would be much better for me if I would actually practice it, of course. I feel like I have absolutely nothing to lose when I'm playing PM, and it's very relaxing just playing to learn casually, ya know?

Shoutouts to everyone who was there, too many of you guys (and girls) to name. Weeklies are always nice to have, especially near my area, and it's something a lot of us never had in general when it came to Brawl. Keep it up! Oh, and shoutouts to the Moltres tip that appeared on one of the loading screens during a match vs Karna. The game read my tag and just knew :)

See y'all on the 17th.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 2, 2015
Houston Tx
Despite the problems with the power going off a few times and only a handful of set-ups to work with, it was still ran very well and was a great experience overall. Good games to everyone I played in both Smash 4 and PM. I apologize to anyone if I had come off as a little salty before, during or after our sets. I feel like I've been too hard on myself recently; I want to travel and compete against the rest of the world, but I'm never satisfied with my performances at our tournaments here in Houston. I don't think I'm good enough yet to truly take on and win against the best players out there.

Other than Singles, I was glad that I pulled myself together for my squad in 3v3 after getting destroyed by my worst nightmare in Winner's: 3 FALCONS. I lost 5 stocks within 3 minutes, I believe? My bag was put into a body and Karna and Dan were forced to carry it through Loser's, literally THE definition of getting bodybagged. The runback went much better than I expected, though, in LFs. But GFs? Oh mah lawdy. Probably the first time I felt helpless in Smash 4. BC and Krebs had a FIELD DAY while Fliphop created a wall of infinite Diddy tech as a means of protecting them. Like.......hello?

As for PM, it honestly felt pretty good to play again after missing out on it for a whole year. I'd love to consider attending more events for it, so we'll see. I'd still take priority over anything related to Smash 4, but playing PM yesterday was a great experience and would be much better for me if I would actually practice it, of course. I feel like I have absolutely nothing to lose when I'm playing PM, and it's very relaxing just playing to learn casually, ya know?

Shoutouts to everyone who was there, too many of you guys (and girls) to name. Weeklies are always nice to have, especially near my area, and it's something a lot of us never had in general when it came to Brawl. Keep it up! Oh, and shoutouts to the Moltres tip that appeared on one of the loading screens during a match vs Karna. The game read my tag and just knew :)

See y'all on the 17th.
get gud scrub


Smash Apprentice
Feb 2, 2015
Houston Tx
lol but in all seriousness, i believe houston is a really strong city with amazing talent. Everyone here should travel out as a houston group and see what i mean. for example, ive played many sheiks online (top player sheiks) and none of them make me struggle as much as karna does (but maybe that is just me lmao). when i watch matches from people outside of houston, i see a lot of great players, but i see the Potential and AMAZING talent houston has. Hopefully after Evo everyone decides to not do customs, and hopefully do 3 stocks. if that does happen, houston will take over, i guarantee that
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Smash Rookie
May 12, 2015
Katy, TX
For my first tourney I did better than i thought. (I was nWo) Can't wait for the next one.
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